Culture & Inclusion

Head of Inclusion (HOI)
The Prep and Year 1 students have been enjoying their Friday afternoon transition program.
All Year 6 students are currently attending their 2 final transition sessions this week at Goondiwindi State High School.
DDSS Multi-Class Swimming Carnival
Two of our students attended the Multi-Class Swimming Carnival in Toowoomba recently. Well done to students Rylan and Jackson who were GREAT representatives of our school, participating in 25 metre and movement through water swimming events.
External Support
At times students visit various specialists, for example paediatricians, and allied health workers (eg, Speech Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Physiotherapists). While some of our students have adjustments in place to assist them to achieve best outcomes in the school environment, the additional information these specialists can provide may assist the school community to support your child.
If your child is visiting one of these specialists during the holidays or at anytime throughout the school year, and you feel that the information provided is relevant to your child's educational needs, please share these documents with the school. If you would like to discuss any reports or letters further or have any questions, please contact your child's classroom teacher, myself or the office staff.
Cultural Committee
Last week we were very excited to have Aunty Cheryl Moggs present us with the beautiful painting the children designed and painted with her as part of our NAIDOC Celebrations. The children, with Aunty Cheryl, have created a beautiful story to go with our painting. Both the painting and story will be hung in the foyer at the office for all to see, please come in and have a look. Thank you, Aunty Cheryl, for working with us and teaching us about culture.