FORPS, Parents & Community

Fair Update
A big heartfelt thanks to the school community for stepping up and volunteering for the coordinator roles in the fair.
All main organizational coordinator and stall coordinator roles have been filled.
This week we have also booked all the rides. Exciting times!! Set aside the date of 15th November 2025 for our next school fair!
We will reconvene early next year so stay tuned for more news then. Even if you are not involved as a coordinator we still welcome everyone to come along to meetings. We also encourage you to regularly read the newsletter as this will be the main way we communicate to the wider school community. There will be requests for goods and services throughout the year.
We have a WhatsApp Fair group as well. If you would like to join this group, then please text Jackie on 0413218761 and she will add you. Especially if you have spoken/emailed Jackie about helping, and you aren’t in yet, it likely means she doesn’t have your phone number.
Thanks so much!
your fair coordinators
Jackie, Kym, Hayley, & Vikki.