A note from Mr Jackson

2025 Prep Information Evening
Thanks to the parents and staff who attended the Prep information evening last night. It was great to have our prep teachers lead conversations describing life in the prep classrooms. A particular thanks to Kirsty McDougall for offering an insight into her learnings about being a parent of a prep student, twice over! It was great to share in discussions with our new incoming Prep parents (…and the more experienced ones as well).
The final Orientation before the Meet the Teacher session is scheduled for Thursday 28 November at 9:30am. Students and parents will meet at the Chandler Hall as usual. Students will then head off to spend a session with their 2025 buddies and parents are invited to head to a coffee shop or rest up. At 10:30am parents are invited to visit again and enter the prep rooms to meet their child’s buddy before heading off at 10:45am.
2025 Class Models
We were excited to share the 2025 class model with parents last night. One of the generous actions that is continued each year is the announcement of the 2025 Classroom Models. This is initially announced to our 2025 Prep Parents as a welcome to our community.
In 2025, we have decided to invest a surplus to ensure low class sizes from prep through to Year 6. We believe that this will provide teachers with the opportunity to effectively target student learning at their students next learning step and build supportive class communities. This model will see us operate an expected annual budget deficit in 2025. For this reason, our venture to a fifteenth class may prove to be a one-year experience. Student enrolments and the negotiation of an upcoming VGSA will contribute to the shape of classes in 2026.
The allocation to straight classes in the Yr1 and Yr2 levels provides not only smaller class sizes but also enables students in the early years to embed peer relationships as well as providing for supporting foundational early learning experiences that underpin future learning growth.
The 2025 class module provides for smaller class sizes across the year levels and straight classes in Year 1 and Year 2.
- Prep, Prep, Prep
- Yr1, Yr1 and Yr2, Yr2, Yr2
- 3/4, 3/4, 3/4
- 4/5, 5/6, 5/6, 5/6
We hope to announce classroom teachers at the upcoming Volunteer Morning Tea.
1/2s Are Out and About Learning
The 1/2 students have been out and about learning about their community. Last week they participated in a local excursion to the Rosanna shops and today they are visiting the Melbourne Zoo. These experiences provide a wonderful link between learning at school and the wider community.
Working Bee Thanks
Saturday 16 November
Thanks to the small band of playground warriors who attended a warm and friendly Working Bee on Saturday. Everyone was busy and lots was accomplished. This included;
- Blowing the upper playground to ensure nuts and tree debris were removed
- The student sports shed was spruced up – walls were painted and new shelving installed
- Rotted timber in the garden beds was replaced
- Vegetation was pruned here and there
- A number of drains were cleared
- The frog bog was completed!
- The Chicken Coop roof was fixed
GAGA Pit – We Need Your Help
Sunday 24 November 9:00am
We need some muscle to help on Sunday morning! There has been lots of excitement about the establishment of a GaGa Pit, but we would love some helpers to join in digging some holes and joining in the effort to construct the structure on the oval. It will bring a great deal of joy and fun to our play space as we encourage students to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Gaga is a fast paced, high energy sport played in an octagonal pit. The more players the better! Dubbed a kinder gentler version of dodge ball, the game is played with a soft foam ball, and combines the skills of dodging, striking, running, and jumping, while trying to hit opponents with a ball below the knees. Players need to keep moving to avoid getting hit by the ball. Fun and easy, everyone gets a serious workout.
Visitors Onsite – Trialling Passtab
Next time you are visiting the office to sign in as a helper you may be invited to trial our new digital sign in process called Passtab. The goal is to enable volunteers and visitors easier access to the site, while maintaining important child safe and occupational health and safety requirements. We are happy to receive feedback and already have some ideas about possibly improving the process.