Classroom News

This year, the Foundation students have been busy developing their number sense through engaging numeracy activities. They have explored concepts like counting, ordering, and understanding the relationships between numbers. Now, they are diving deeper into the world of place value, learning to recognise the importance of tens and ones. It is great to see their growing confidence as they apply their knowledge to solve problems and explain their thinking. Well done Foundation!
Year 1
As we say farewell to Ziggy, our beloved Year 1 class pet, we reflect on the many weekend adventures he has had with everyone. Over the course of Term 3 and 4, Ziggy has travelled home with a different student each weekend, bringing joy, excitement and a touch of mischief to everyone’s family. The students have loved sharing their stories about Ziggy’s weekend adventures, and through this, they have not only further developed their writing skills but also honed their speaking and listening abilities, eagerly presenting their adventures to the class. While it’s time for Ziggy to take a well-deserved rest, we’ll always treasure the memories he helped create and the growth he inspired in our Year 1 learners.
Year 2/3
Hi Families,
We have been learning all about fractions in Maths at the moment and the children have really enjoyed using concrete materials to help them with this. They have worked on ½, ¼ and ⅛ so far. The photos show the strategies we use for fractions. In Well being we have been enjoying games that focus on spreading kindness and being inclusive. We have a strong focus on Well being at our school and in our class. As the year comes to an end it is very important to make sure we are enjoying the end of year festivities but also making sure we are kind.
Enjoy the photos and the weekend.
Year 3/4
This week in Year 3/4 the students have been learning about angles. As part of their learning they were able to find different objects in the room with angles, such as scissors, the open door, an open computer and the corners of a book. The students are beginning to categorise angles as acute, obtuse and right angles. They also had some fun making angles with their body.
Year 4/5
In the Library today, we were making our own digital Advent calendar. We thought it was a really fun activity to do with Advent and Christmas coming. Nirav, Shamus and Cody
We made Advent calendars on our Chromebooks to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Emmastacia
When we were making our digital Advent calendar, we felt excited because Christmas is coming and we feel joyful and thankful for our families. Raffaele and Allie
In the Library, we made our own digital Advent calendar. We put Christmassy pictures in it. We definitely had lots of fun creating it. We can also show it to our friends and family. Kaitlyn, Tristan and Azariah
During Magic Monday afternoons at Sacred Heart, groups of students have the opportunity to do some different gardening activities like planting and watering plants, pulling out weeds and even watching what has been planted, grow.
Year 5 / 6
Look out over the next fortnight for some great work surrounding our Inquiry Unit on the Environment and Sustainability. Here is a snapshot of things to come.....
Its about making Connections!!!
The Year 5/6 students have been trying their best to outwit each other through the online game 'Connections'. They are able to create their own game where the players have to group the words into 4 groups of four. Here's some examples. How would you go?
Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! R O E R Y
As we come to the end of the year, it is time for us to reflect on the wonderful job that our leaders have done in 2024. Some students have given up a lot of their time to help support their peers at school - hence the establishment of lunchtime clubs. Three years ago Roery came to me and asked if he could establish a club at lunchtime for kids who found the playground a bit too much. And the Lego club was born! Two years later and we have seen this Wednesday lunchtime club change and alter, depending on the interests of the students. This year there has been the introduction of Minecraft Club and it has been patronised extraordinarily well (as this photo taken on Wednesday shows).
A massive thankyou to Roery Villegas for running the club so well, for the announcements over the phone, for helping ANY and EVERY child who needed it, and for ALWAYS being positive. The children at Sacred Heart will miss you, Roery, especially Wednesday lunchtimes!