"Many Wolves .... One Pack"

Term 2 - Week 4

Welcome to Week 4,


RIP Brian Burke

It was with a heavy heart our school community learnt of the passing of Brian Burke. Brian is the much loved husband of Mrs Robyn Burke who dedicated 42 years of service to St Nicholas, before her retirement in June 2022. Over the years, Brian also shared his time generously volunteering at St Nicholas School and within the parish. 


On behalf of our school community we offer our condolences to the Burke family and keep them in our prayers.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, 

and let perpetual light shine upon him. 

May he rest in peace. 



Mrs Sue Larkey: St Nicholas commitment to supporting all students.

St Nicholas' partnership with Sue Larkey is just one example of our commitment to all students and setting each individual up for success. Providing each individual student with the opportunity of being “literate and numerate with a hope filled future”.


Sue is a highly qualified educator. She combines practical experience with extensive research having completed a Masters in Special Education and the research sections of a Doctorate in Education. Sue has over 1.3 million downloads of her Podcast (Sue Larkey Podcast) of which there are over 200 episodes. Sue has authored many books on autism spectrum disorders and other Neurodiversity topics. She believes that armed with the tools of understanding and confidence, much can be achieved.


As part of our partnership, Sue joined us onsite at St Nicholas School yesterday. She worked closely with our staff:

  • Case managing individual student support 
  • Building the capacity of staff to support students



Open Classrooms 24th and 31st May


A reminder the first of our Term 2 Open Classroom’s will take place tomorrow morning. We look forward to welcoming our Primary Parents.

On the morning of Friday 31st May we will welcome our Infant’s parents.


Please click on this link, Open Classroom’s, for information and expectations around the Open classrooms.


Have a great week,


John Clery