Around the School

Mothers Day Morning Tea
On Friday 10th of May we celebrated Mother’s Day at Numurkah Primary School. Our Senior School Councillors, Emily and Tyler, helped set up the Mother’s Day stall and take students there to find the perfect gift for their mum, grandmother or special lady in their life. There was lots to choose from thanks to our Parents & Friends Committee!
Over 150 people attended our Mother’s Day Morning Tea. There was a performance by the School Choir and our School Captains, Indy and Caleb, recited a Mother’s Day poem they wrote just for this occasion.
One day a seed fell to Earth,
You took care of me and fed me,
You’re the best mother I could ever have in my life
You are my mother.
My mother,
You look after me and rock me to sleep,
You read me bedtime stories and sing songs to me,
I could never have a better mother than you.
Our special guests enjoyed a scone with a cup of tea or coffee and had a lovely time getting to know each other better. We hope all the special women in our community had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Written by: Stevie and Emily, Year 6 Students NPS
Sports Report
Winter Sports Reports for Games Played Friday 3 May 2024
Softball – The Lapis Lads (Numurkah) V St. Joseph’s Cobram
Friday 3rd May was Numurkah Softball Team’s first game with another school. We played St Joseph’s Cobram who were new to playing softball, but they did an amazing job.
One of Cobram’s team members did an extraordinary job out in the field by catching Max and I out. Our team batted first with Craig first up to the plate and myself as the last batter. When we were fielding Craig was bowling, Ajay was third base, Peyton on second, Justine on first and I was on home base as the backstop.
It was a great game with the score nine to seven our way.
By Caleb G, Year Student
Softball – The Opals Vs St. Joseph’s Cobram
On Friday we had our second softball game of the season and The Opals (Numurkah) played St. Joseph’s Cobram.
I got the first catch of the game. Logan batted first and did an amazing hit and he got to second base. The rest of the batters all did fantastic hits and then it was my turn. I hit the ball on Strike 2, Ball 2 and did an absolutely fabulous hit! The ball sailed over all the bases and landed in the bush. I ran and I ran but, unfortunately not fast enough… I got out. Everyone else got home though.
It was an terrific game, even though our opponents were new to softball (they were still really good though). In the end we won 8-21.
By Jack O, Year 5 Student
Netball – Year 5 Team V St. Joseph’s Cobram
The Year 5 Netball game began with some good intercepts by Emelia L and Emilia J.
Harper was Centre during the 1st quarter working hard, and Ella and Emilia J were getting in front of their opposition player and getting the ball quite often.
In the second quarter Brooke was Wing Attack and worked hard to find empty spaces on the court. Tiana did some amazing jumps while playing Goal Defence.
We are going to continue to work on our passes and defence skills for the next game.
In the end we lost 0 to 13 but everyone really enjoyed the game.
Netball – Year 6 Team V St. Joseph’s Cobram
Highlights from our Year 6 netball game against St. Joseph’s Cobram included: firstly our passes were really smooth and high on the court so we made the ball move swiftly to our goal ring; and secondly Stevie’s intercepting made some great intercepts.
Larna played an excellent match as Goal Attack, working really well with Myllah to get our ball to the goal and scored two goals. We spread out on the court much more effectively than in previous games and improved our intercepts to get the ball away from the opposition.
In coming practise sessions, we need to work on running towards the ball and staying in front of our opponents. Cobram did really well and the score was 4 to 10 their way.
Football – Numurkah V St. Joseph’s Cobram
Last week’s footy game was at Numurkah’s home field against St Joseph’s Cobram. Unfortunately, we lost 36-nil but, in the last quarter our defence was outstanding; we only let Cobram score 1 point. It was an absolutely epic game - any AFL game couldn’t compare to the game we played at the Numurkah Showgrounds.
The star players for the game were Blake, Jake T, Zavier, Kayden, Lenny and Leo.
By Kayden and Kelvin, Year 6 Students