From the Deputy Principals

Mr Roger D'Almeida, Miss Carrol Abel and Mr Patrick Ah Fong

Semester One Reports

Semester One Reports have now been uploaded to SEQTA. This report provides students and parents an opportunity to reflect upon student progress and to consider what adjustments can be made to improve performance. It also indicates whether teachers would like to meet with families at the Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews next term. We encourage all students to use this valuable feedback as an opportunity to reflect upon their performance in Semester One and to set goals to enable further academic improvement in Semester Two.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews will take place on Monday 15 July between 12pm and 7pm. They are standard face-to-face interviews and will involve all students from Years 7 to 12. As this day is a Home Study Day, students do not attend school but should accompany their parents for interviews wearing their full College winter uniform. Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews provide parents with an important opportunity to discuss student progress in more detail with subject teachers. In some cases, teachers have requested an interview on the Semester One Report. In these situations, it is important that every effort is made to meet with the subject teachers so that positive actions can be put in place to improve student progress. 


The College uses Edval Interviews to book Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews. Parents and carers have already received an email instructing them how to access Edval Interviews. The email will also provide them with a unique log-in code as well as a link to the online booking system. Interviews will be eight minutes with two minutes allocated for parent movement between teachers. Bookings close at 12pm on Friday 12 July. It is important that parents and carers access Edval Interviews as subject teachers, pastoral leaders and Deputy Principals often request additional interviews after reviewing finalised Semester One Reports. If you are unable to secure a timeslot during this round of Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews, you may contact the relevant teacher(s) directly via email to arrange a conversation on another date. 


For any parent whom English is not their first language, the College supports the decision to invite a friend or family member to the interviews to provide interpreting assistance. 


If you have any difficulties accessing Edval Interviews, please contact the College in the second week of the school holidays. Please note that the College Administration is closed during the first week of the holidays. 

Subject Selection Online

Subject Selection Online (SSO) is now open to Year 10 and 11 students to begin making choices about their subjects and pathways for 2025. Students have been sent a link along with instructions on how to access SSO. Students need to be mindful of the Minimum Entry Requirements (MER) for courses they are interested in studying as they will not be allowed to automatically select subjects that they have not met the MER for. Students in Years 7 to 9 will be given the opportunity through SSO to select their elective subjects early in Term 3. 

Mr R D'Almeida

(Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12)

Family Calendar

The calendar for Term 3 will be uploaded into SEQTA during the school holidays. Below are whole school significant dates:

  • Monday 15 July – Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
  • Tuesday 16 July – Term 3 commences for all students
  • Monday 5 August – College Photo Day
  • Wednesday 7 August – Inter-House Athletics Carnival
  • Thursday 8 August and Friday 9 August – Pupil Free Days 
  • Wednesday 4 September – Sports, Special and Catch Up Photo Day
  • Wednesday 18 September – Term 3 concludes for Year 12 students
  • Thursday 19 September – Term 3 concludes for Years 7 to 11 students

Year 11 Subject Selection for 2025

On Monday 24 June, Mrs Karen Gonsalves and I met with our current Year 11 students in regards to their Year 12 (2025) Subject Selection. Mrs Karen Gonsalves has sent the presentation and supporting documents to students, parents and carers via Direqt Message. A reminder that the closing date for SSO is Monday 22 July (Week 3.2). 


Letters regarding Year 11 students predicted ATAR will be sent out in the second week of the school holidays.

Parent Committee

The next Parent Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday 31 July at 6pm. The Parent Committee are still looking for new members who can support the great work they do for our school. For more information about the Parent Committee, please contact Miss Carrol Abel.

Term 3 - Winter Uniform

A reminder that all students commence Term 3 on Tuesday 16 July after the Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews on Monday 15 July. Students are to arrive impeccably presented in their full College winter uniform for the commencement of Term 3. This means polished shoes and clean uniforms, including blazers in excellent condition. 


We ask for parents support to ensure that your son or daughter tries on their uniform (including their College tracksuit) with plenty of time to get any issues rectified or purchase new items, if necessary, prior to the commencement of Term 3. Students and parents are reminded that hairstyles should be conservative, neat, tidy, of natural colour and shoulder length hair should be tied up. Students are not permitted to wear any make up and to not have their eyelashes enhanced. Nails are to be kept short with no acrylics or nail polish. Students are permitted to wear the following jewellery: up to one pair of small plain silver or gold sleepers or studs in the lower ear lobe, one silver or gold chain with a Christian religious symbol and a watch. For more details, please refer to the College Diary.


The College Uniform Shop will be closed over the school holidays for stocktake. It will reopen on Monday 15 July and resume regular opening hours (Mondays and Thursdays between 1pm and 4.30pm). 


May we also take this opportunity to once again remind parents to label all uniform items with their child’s first and last name. At the end of each term, we have a number of articles of clothing, bags, caps, sport bags, shoes and water bottles in Lost Property not labelled and not claimed. 

Use of Administration Carpark

A reminder to all parents that the main entrance of the College (outside the Priory) is not a pick-up/drop-off area. There are some exceptions where there are medical reasons which the College has approved or for administration purposes. However, the majority of parents should not be using the main entrance to the College immediately before or after school as it creates a dangerous situation for our students as they move around the College. 


Miss C Abel

(Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11)