Student Ministry

Kimberley Immersion
On Tuesday 25 June, our students had their first Induction Session and were very enthusiastic about beginning this exciting journey. Later that afternoon, we welcomed parents and carers for the Parent Information Session where they were presented with all the important information about the Kimberley Immersion.
We have been overwhelmed with the donations for the Kimberley Immersion, especially the clothing for the Remote Communities Op Shop Program.
We are still needing donations of the following items:
- Toiletries including soap, sanitary pads and roll on deodorant
- New and used toiletry bags
- New underwear (ladies and children)
Donations can be dropped into Student Ministry.
Fundraiser at the Parent/Student/Teacher Interview Day
If you are attending the Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews on Monday 15 July, please bring some cash to purchase some goodies and help our Kimberley Immersion group reach their goal of raising $1000 on the day. We will be selling curry puffs and pumpkin soup, as well as many other treats for you all to enjoy.
Thank you for supporting the Kimberley Immersion!
Winter Appeal
Student Ministry are collecting the following items to assist with our Winter Appeal:
- Clothing including coats, jackets, scarves and beanies
- Winter bedding including sleeping bags and blankets
- Non-perishable food items including soup, long life milk, canned fruit and vegetables, tea and coffee
Donations can be dropped into Student Ministry. Please give generously to support those sleeping rough this winter.
Ms M Kyd
(Campus Ministry Co-ordinator)