Sporting News

Mrs Bindy Abell - Sports Co-Ordinator 

Jump, pivot and pass. Netball Schools Cup a super day out! 

On Wednesday the 15th of May, Mrs Phillips, Mrs McCardle and Mrs Abell took years 3/4/5 and 6 to Tamworth Sports Dome for a day of Netball. 

An early start at 7:30am got us on our way and we hit the courts at 9:30am for our first round games. We entered three teams into their divisions and each team had 6 games each. Two 10 minute halves with only a game off between each game. With the students on their toes they didn’t skip a beat with game times and position changes.

We had some great games and a few wins and then some tough games that required us to dig deep and be humble in defeat. These experiences in sport really build students life skills in resilience. When the chips are down never give up. 

Things that just can’t be taught in the classroom. It also gives them opportunities to win graciously and be kind when the other team has had a loss. The games wrapped up at 2pm and with a brief stop at Maccas (Sometimes food after a big day are ok…Sometimes) the students I believe went home with happy hearts and some great memories. Thanks to Mrs Phillips and Mrs McCardle who stepped up with coaching and umpiring amazing work! 


With a days rest on Thursday the students then had to back up for the Diocesan Cross Country on Friday the 17th of May. 

Congratulations to all those students who made it away to the Cross Country. 

Georgie Dempsey, Nahla Gorton, Elkie Whyte, Stella Mason, Makenna Griffiths, Alfie Abell, Charlie Servin, Fletcher Turner, Dexter Urquhart, Angus Johnston, Jax Mallise, Oliver Newberry, Nevaeh Griffiths, Grace Phillips, Arley Crowley, Parker Green, Joshua Anderson and Felix Urquhart. All 18 students represented our school with such pride and commitment. 

We had many students place in the top 20 which is an incredible achievement. Also a big congratulations to our school community and our parent community. So much work goes into hosting events such as these and there a few key players that really don’t go unnoticed in setting up, hosting, and packing up this event. Please know that you are greatly appreciated and as a school we couldn’t be as good without you. Not only does it bring our school so much fundraising money it also contributes to our community in the businesses in town so thank you! 


Next Friday the 31 May is the Gary McSweeney Cup and Rugby Union trials. Individual nominations are welcome to attend and will be placed in a team. 

Open to any 11 years (2012) or 12 years (2011) students. All MALE players will be eligible to be selected for the Armidale Diocesan Rugby Team. All FEMALE players will be eligible to be selected to attend the NSW CPS Rugby 7s. This is a change from previous years. 


Event Venue: Ken Chillingworth Oval (Pirates Rugby Club, opposite Scully Park Pool), Kent St. Tamworth. 

Event Start Time: The carnival will commence at 9.00am sharp with a meeting of team managers followed by a meeting of officials. A draw will be sent to each school before the day. Games commencing at 9:30am. 

Event Finish Time: Approximately 2:00pm

Cost: All individuals must pay a $6 ADPSC levy to play via compass. 

Uniform: Full School Sports uniform. 

Playing experience and a preferred position must be supplied to Mrs Abell by Monday 26th May. Students will be given a number and must remain in the same numbered jersey the entire day.

Please remind all students to bring the appropriate safety equipment (mouth guard, headgear, shoulder pads, boots etc.) No child will be allowed to take the field without a mouth guard. Students are advised to bring sunscreen and hats to wear at the trials. Please remember to bring adequate water for the day. Students are to make their own way to these trails. I have spoken to the students and nominated those interested. 

However, you will also need to contact Mrs Abell to confirm the nomination please text on 0477464463 or email on


School sport news our Hockey program is up and running on a Friday with Sue who is amazing. Make sure you check in with your child to see what they learnt in sport today! 


Some inspiration from one of the greatest! 

When the chips are down! Chat with your kids about this too!! & quote I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. quote –Michael Jordan.