Learning News 4/5/6

Mrs Amy Phillips

4/5/6 News

What a busy couple of weeks we have had in 4/5/6. Last week we travelled to Tamworth for a netball gala day. We were up against some stiff competition however it was a great day of fun and learning. I am certain all students learned something new about netball on the day. 

I am sure you are all probably aware of this by now we are going to have a school musical again this year. 5/6 are very excited about this and have all started to get prepared for their auditions. The audition panel will be made up of Mrs. Abell, Mrs. Bearman, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Harris. 


Today we started our regular visits to Richardson House. This will be on Fridays during our Religion lesson. We see this as a valuable learning experience as our students will be building connections and also will acquire a wealth of knowledge from the Residents. 

The boys in 4/5/6 also visited the Barraba Men's Shed today. This is something new for our school and we hope that they learn new hands-on skills and enhance their community engagement with strong male role models to help develop their confidence.  Thank you to the Barraba Men's Shed for allowing us to visit. 

Year 4 Maths

This week the children started to look at 2 Dimensional shapes. They have been learning how to compare two-dimensional shapes and describe their features. This includes looking at shapes with parallel lines, different types of quadrilaterals and the various attributes of 2D shapes. We have played games like Mr. Squiggle and Jig Shapes to help us develop a better understanding of 2D shapes.


Year 5/6 Maths

This week we are continuing to develop our learning about decimal numbers to three decimal places. We have shopped using online catalogues for a party with a budget of $80. Some students were able to budget to the exact amount! We have been able to order decimals and determine placegetters using data from Olympic Swimming Events.