Learning News 2/3

Mrs Ruth Anderson and Mrs Justine Harris

Year 3 maths - this week the children started to look at 2 Dimensional shapes. They have been learning how to compare two-dimensional shapes and describe their features. This includes looking at shapes with parallel lines, different types of quadrilaterals  and the various attributes of 2D shapes. We have played games like Mr Squiggle and Jig Shapes to help us develop a better understanding of 2D shapes. 


Year 1/2 maths - this last fortnight have been spent working on addition using counting on, jump, and split strategies. We have also written equations/number sentences; making these sentences with objects such as unfixed cubes, counters, or paddle pop sticks; then drawing it. We also had to come up with another equation with the same answer. A lot of thinking and working out in 1/2 maths.


In 2/3 science we have had fun exploring the five senses, starting off with a treat of looking, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting popcorn. Describing both the corn kernel and the popped treat. At the end of the session, we had to use our imagination to come up with a new sense. Ideas ranged from infra-red vision, x-ray vision, touch that could detect poison, and other senses detecting temperature.


Writing in 2/3 has had a focus on information reports. Learning that after the main heading, the writing is divided up into sub-headings and that the information is to remain on topic and be in full sentences. Everyone was able to follow this during their Big Write.

In K2 religion, we admired artwork portraying the ascension of Jesus. We were all inspired 

to create impressive portraits and abstract pictures. It's fabulous to see such engagement and pride they show in their work.


At school while the Dio-cross country was on, we did a lot of work together. 4/5/6 were leaders of a younger group of students during sport and art. It was pleasing to see them looking after the little people and we all had a fun day.