Learning News K/1

Miss Sophie Goodman


Both Kinder & Year 1 are onto their next Maths unit for the next week. Kinder will be learning to describe and compare areas of similar shapes. Year 1 will be focusing on creating and recognising halves, quarters and eighths as part measures of a whole length. Here are some tips to practise at home!



  • Measure the area of a patio or tabletop using sheets of newspaper. Count how many sheets of paper were needed to completely cover the area.
  • Draw squiggle patterns or make squiggle patterns from string glued onto paper. Colour inside the ‘closed' areas.
  • Spread out a sheet of newspaper on the floor. Count how many books will fit on top of it.
  • When wrapping presents, talk about the size of the paper and if the paper will be wide and long enough.
  • Talk about the size of a tablecloth needed to cover a table or covering for a car.
  • Look at the area coverage shown on paint tins before painting. Talk about how many tins of paint you will need.
  • Collect coloured scrap paper and some empty cans or small cartons such as cereal boxes. Your child can create a colourful model by gluing paper to completely cover the carton or can.
  • Show your child examples of patchwork and talk about the patterns. Encourage them to create patterns using blocks, scraps of paper or colouring on paper.

Year 1

  • Involve your child in cooking activities which require half or a quarter of a cup of an ingredient. They could half fill the cup measure for you. 
  • When making sandwiches or cutting other foods, talk about how you cut them into halves. Use words such as half, even, equal, parts, quarters, four equal parts;
  • Involve your child in sharing with another ensuring that each person has a fair share. Both halves need to be equal.


We continue to work on writing persuasive texts and using our checklists as a tool to successfully include all aspects that a persuasive text needs. Quiz your child at home, see if they can remember all of the important features they need to include in their writing! 



In Science this term, we are learning all about material! We have started to explore different types of materials and their properties. K/1 have had a great discussion of why certain objects are made from certain materials. 

At the end of this term, each student will be creating a boat out of 1 type of material in class - in hopes it will float! Start a discussion at home, what material might you use? Is the material suitable to be in water? Why/why not? 




Albie, Willow, Grace, Hudson, Levi, Jack, Myles, Parker, James and Max working on their 'Big Writes'.