Principals' Message

Mrs Dominica Bearman

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to the second edition of this terms newsletter, It is hard to believe that it is the end of week 4.


Diocesan Cross Country

Last Friday our school hosted the Diocesan cross country carnival. We had an excellent display of sportsmanship and determination. We are extremely proud of our students efforts, their positive attitude. We are also very thankful for the parent body and the extra time and effort they all put in to make this event so successful. A huge thank you to all of the parent body who helped out on the day and the lead up.

Catholic Schools Week 

Next week the Armidale Diocese will celebrate Catholic Schools Week which provides us with an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the important work of Catholic education. Since the very first Catholic school was established in New South Wales in 1820, countless children and young people have benefitted from the dedication and commitment of faith-filled staff in Catholic schools. The theme for Catholic Schools Week is 'Pray with Hope!' 


On Tuesday 28th May we will attend the Armidale Diocesan Catholic Schools Week Mass at Mary Help of Christians Church, South Tamworth with our school leaders.

Principals Meeting

This week I have been at the Term 2 Principals Conference. These meetings are held every term. Ther focus for these two days was on High Impact Leadership with Catherine Jackson. 


Winter Uniform

The wearing of a school uniform promotes a sense of belonging for students and creates a positive identity for the school community. School uniforms also contribute to the personal safety of students by allowing easier recognition of students inside the school and the community. It is a requirement at St Joseph’s Primary Barraba that students wear the correct school uniform when travelling to and from school, during school hours and when engaged in school activities outside of normal school hours. 


Grip Leadership Conference

Last week Mrs Wilson and myself accompanied the five year 6 leaders to a Grip Leadership day in Tamworth. The day was a practical and interactive conference for student leaders. The day was broken into three sessions : 1 How Everybody can step forward and lead. 2 The sacrifices of a student leader and 3 Stepping forward with new ideas. This was a great day for our leaders to learn new skills to be the best possible leader that they can.


Attendance Matters update

From  Monday 20th May parents of students who have not explained their absence for the day will receive a message at 10:00 each day. This message is automated and consistent across the diocese.  From today parents of unexplained absences who have not explained their absence for the week will receive the following message at 11:00. This message is consistent across the diocese.