School News

NEW - Feast of the Sacred Heart

The Feast of the Sacred Heart will be celebrated on Friday 7th of June with Mass at 9:15am. Students are to wear sports uniform, with a plain t-shirt in their house colour, on Friday as they will be participating in rotation sports.  


NEW - National Reconciliation Week

Last week, Sacred Heart School worked together to commemorate National Reconciliation Week. All classes have worked on this beautiful symbolic piece of art. Each leaf represents everyone’s commitment to learning, understanding and respecting First Nation's culture. We have created a Long Neck Turtle using the leaves that we decorated. The Long Neck Turtle is Yorta Yorta’s totem and leaves that make its shell represent the land. You will find our long neck turtle in the foyer and it will be a reminder of our commitment to Reconciliation.


NEW - Fortnight in Foundation

Another busy fortnight finished off with Milo’s Surprise Birthday! The children had a wonderful time celebrating their learning of the alphabet with our party. Dressed up as characters from Milo’s story they participated in learning and party games with a twist of literacy.


Last week we participated in activities to provide understanding and knowledge of reconciliation as part of Reconciliation Week. 

Our learning has focused on revision of the letters and sounds and in Mathematics shapes around us and numbers.  

Lastly children have adapted well to the the change of leaving their lunchboxes in their bags and bringing in only their fruit each morning. Well done.

We look forward to the next fortnight in Foundation where it will be getting close to the end of the term and Parent Teacher Interviews. 

Foundation Teachers. 

NEW - Year 6 Sustainability Leadership Update

We are really pleased with our compost bin system! Last year the Sustainability Team received a Greater Shepparton Council Community Sustainability Grant for our project 'Organic waste is gold!' These compost bins were then constructed by Bryan Cronyn. 

Last year we noticed a lot of organic waste going into general waste bins. We organised every classroom to have a compost caddy, so now this organic waste is either put in the green council bin or our compost bin. Our next goal is to work on how to turn this green waste into nutritious compost for our vegetable garden. 

We are also currently holding a competition for three weeks, to see which unit has the tidiest eating area and uses their bins correctly. We will be secretly judging throughout the three weeks and the reward of hot chips will go to the winning unit! Families can support students by supplying package free lunchboxes where possible. Thanks,

Year 6 Sustainability Team and Mrs Cassetta

NEW - Library

The library shelves have been stocked with dyslexia friendly books, with new ones being ordered regularly. These books have accessible layout and spacing on off-white, heavier paper to help reduce visual stress. Furthermore, the font is chosen specifically because many people with dyslexia find it easier to read. Posters are in the library to remind students that they can find the dyslexia friendly books by looking for the 'yellow dot' on the spine, or by searching 'dyslexia friendly' on our Library web page -!dashboard. Students have been informed that if they don't have dyslexia they can still borrow these books.


NEW - Art

Congratulations to these students for their effort in the Art Studio for weeks 4 & 5.

Foundation VTMatasinga F                                                    
Foundation BPMason O
1/2 TCBilly R
1/2 KRPhoebe H & Stella V
1/2 KOAriana A & Bentley S
3/4 NBAri V
3/4 MCLenny H
3/4 KDEmily W
5/6 MCEve N & Max R
5/6 BCZac N & Lucas W
5/6 SLLexi A & Sebastian T

NEW - Choir/Sandhurst Arts on Show Sneak Preview

Monday 24th June, 2:45pm in the Mercy Centre

Families are invited to attend a performance by our Choir and the students who will be participating in Sandhurst Arts on Show next term. This is a great opportunity to build confidence in performing and a chance for parents to attend, who may not be able to make the concert during school time next term. 

SAoS Concert Wed. 18 September, 1-2pm, St. Mel's Shepparton

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th June for parents and teachers - there is no expectation to bring or include students in the meeting, teachers will not be prepared for students to be present. 10 minutes is allocated for each Parent Teacher meeting.  Please be punctual and mindful of the next interview time.  All specialist teachers will be available for interviews; first in, first served for booking them.

Parents who have a PSG meeting will NOT have an interview with their class teacher (but can still book with specialists if wanted).

Bookings will open on Thursday 23rd May at 9am.

NCCD Fact Sheet for Parents, Guardians and Carers

PAM & SiMON Everywhere Guide


At Sacred Heart we value the support of volunteers. Over your child/ren’s journey through Primary School there are many opportunities to volunteer and support your child and the school. Please visit the volunteer page on the school website for further information.

Lunch Orders

Tatura Hot Bread Bakery will be providing the School lunch orders for two days a week. Lunch orders will be available Thursdays and Fridays. Please find below the 2024 price list.  There is an example on how to correctly fill in the lunch order bag on Daily Messages, the Hot Bread Bakery has advised that all lunch orders need to be in the correct format. Thank you.

A reminder orders are to be done through the School, not to be dropped off at the Bakery.

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Sacred Heart will now only be accepting second hand uniform items as a donation to the school. If families wish to sell items we request that this is done privately. Please see below the current uniform stock available for purchase. If you wish to have a browse of the uniforms or make a purchase, please see Sally in the school office on Tuesday or Wednesday.



School Bag$10.00
Pants (slacks & sports)$5.00
Polo Shirt (short sleeve)$2.00
Polo Shirt (long sleeve)$2.00
Shorts (sports & non-sports)$2.00
Skirt & Skort$2.00