Message From Our 


Dear Parents, Carers and Members of our School Community,


Reconciliation Week at Sacred Heart

I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their involvement in Reconciliation Week. Your participation and support have demonstrated our school's strong commitment to our First Nations people. This year’s theme, 'Now More than Ever,' emphasises the urgent need to actively contribute to the reconciliation process.


National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a vital time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. It provides an opportunity to reflect on how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. By coming together and taking meaningful steps, we can make a positive impact on our journey towards a more inclusive and united nation.


I would like to extend my congratulations to Mrs. Lagozzino's class for their inspiring liturgy on the Theme of Reconciliation. The students' dedication and understanding were evident, and it was a moving experience for all who attended. A special thank you to the many parents who came to support the 5/6 class; your presence and encouragement mean a great deal to our students and staff.


Mothers' Day Feedback Survey

I would like to thank all the families at Sacred Heart for their response to the Mothers' Day Feedback Survey. The large number of responses we received is a testament to the engaged and supportive community we have at our school. Your feedback is invaluable, and it provides us with a comprehensive understanding of the perspectives and experiences of our families. I will be dedicating time to thoroughly analyse the data provided and will share some common themes and insights in the next newsletter.


At Sacred Heart, we greatly appreciate and value the voice of our parents as we strive to grow and strengthen our sense of community. Your input is crucial in guiding our efforts to enhance the educational experience for our students. Thank you once again for your participation and continued support. Together, we are making Sacred Heart an even better place for our children to learn and thrive.


Executive Director - Kate Fogarty Visit to Sacred Heart

Today, Sacred Heart had the honour of welcoming the new Catholic Education Sandhurst Executive Director, Kate Fogarty, on her first visit to our school. Kate is committed to understanding the educational landscape across the diocese, and her visit today was a testament to that dedication. Kate joined our staff for a delightful morning tea, where she engaged in meaningful conversations and began to familiarise herself with our professional learning community. Following this, Kate met with myself and the executive leadership team to gain deeper insights into the strengths and unique qualities of Sacred Heart.


We then had the pleasure of showing Kate around our school. During our walk, she visited various classrooms, interacted with our dedicated staff, and met many of our wonderful students. Kate was very impressed with the vibrant learning environment and the strong sense of community she observed. Her positive feedback reaffirmed that we have much to be extremely proud of at Sacred Heart. This visit was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our incredible school, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with Kate and the wider Catholic Education Sandhurst community.


New Groundskeeper Position at Sacred Heart

We are excited to announce a new part-time Groundskeeper position, a vital addition to our school structure. This role will ensure our grounds, facilities, and learning environments are maintained to the highest standards for our school community. The position will be advertised later this week. For more information, please visit our website or follow our social media platforms. Applications will be reviewed by a panel, with interviews to follow, and the successful candidate will commence in Term 3, 2024 (Fingers Crossed!). We look forward to welcoming a dedicated individual to our school.


Semester One Student Reporting & Parent Teacher Interviews

In this edition of the newsletter and upcoming ones, we share significant improvements to the Semester One Student Report aimed at enhancing clarity around learning growth and attainment against educational standards. The redesigned report, though not without its flaws, marks a notable step towards providing parents with a more user-friendly and informative overview of their child's academic progress. Our goal is to make it easier for parents to understand how their children are processing and growing in relation to established educational benchmarks. This report will offer clearer insights, making it a valuable instrument for identifying student development and areas of growth.


Additionally, we are pleased to announce that the portal for booking a Parent Teacher Interview opened on Thursday, 23rd May at 9am. This semester, the previously used "Learning Conversation" will be replaced with a Parent Teacher Interview, providing a more formal and structured opportunity for parents to engage with teachers about their child's progress based on the Semester One report. We encourage all parents to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss their child's achievements and areas for growth in with their classroom teacher. The Parent Teacher conversations will be allocated a 10 minute appointment time slot.  All specialist teachers will be available for interviews; first in, first served for booking them.  It is important that parents are punctual to their time slot to ensure all meetings run on time.  Your participation is important in supporting your child's educational journey, and we look forward to these collaborative discussions. Stay tuned for further updates in the next editions of our newsletter.  Parents will be asked to provide further feedback regarding student reporting and student progress meeting structures (Learning Conversations, Student Led Conferences or Parent Teacher Interviews) at the beginning of Term 3 for review and refinement for the Semester Two reporting period.


As we continue through the term, let's carry forward this momentum of enthusiasm and dedication. Together, let's create more moments of joy, discovery, and achievement, nurturing the potential within each of our students and strengthening the bonds within our cherished Sacred Heart School Community.


God bless,


Jamie McDowall
