Term 2

Week 5: 13th - 17th May

14: Book Fair ends

17: Division Cross Country, Moama (permission form out Monday 13th)


Week 6: 20th - 24th May

20: Australian Dental Health visit (forms will be sent home 15th April)

20: Narelle Stone: Quirky Tales to host Storytime for F - 2

22: National Simultaneous Storytime


Week 7: 27th - 31st May - Reconciliation Week

27: Community Learning Day - Aboriginal Perspectives TBC

27: Reconciliation Walk - Echuca - Catholic Identity Leaders

31: Campaspe Primary Netball Tournament in Echuca (Grade 5/6)


Week 8: 3rd - 7th June

4: Learning Conversations

4: School Advisory Council Meeting

5: Learning Conversations

6: Market Fresh Incursion



Week 9: 10th - 14th June 

10: Kings Birthday Long Weekend

13: 3/4 Winter Sports Day - Kyabram


Week 10: 17th - 21st June

18: Rochester Secondary College - Experience Day - Grade 5/6

20: 5/6 Winter Sports Day - 

Week 11: 24th - 28th June

28: End of Term 2

  • 2.15pm finish

2024 Pupil Free Days - Please note the new date for Real Schools Professional Learning (9th August)