St Joseph's Community News

Music Bingo Thank You

Thank you to everyone that attended Music Bingo on Friday 3rd May.

Thanks especially to the organising team of Allison, Laura, Becky and Beck.

It was a fun night!


BOOK FAIR: 9th - 14th May 

The Book Fair will be in the hallway of the Middle/Senior Classrooms.

It will be open:

  • 8.30am - 9.30am
  • 3.15pm - 4.00pm

Volunteers are needed to monitor the Book Fair at these times each day. If you are able to help, please let Maria or Toni know.


Children will be given a wish list that they can write the items they would like on this and take it home. There will be EFTPOS and an online voucher system to support purchases.

(see the images below for how to order online)


Before & After School Care

If a St Joseph's family wish to use the service, they are to apply to Rochester Primary School in the first instance. RPS will consider the application and inform the family of the decision in a timely manner. So, if you need the service, please don't leave it until the last minute to apply.


I am happy to assist families with these applications. Please let me know what your needs are and I will help write the letter requesting permission.


If you have any questions, please contact Liz Trewick.