
Wellbeing Leader: Mrs Jessica Carmichael


Students and families were treated with a Wellness Day that gave them opportunities to connect with each other in fun and interactive ways.  We welcomed many visitors into our space to make this a day that provided lots of opportunities for social connection and courage to try new things.

A big thank you to Yoga Spot, Tiny Tails, Bendigo Laughter Club, Enchanted Rainbow, Quality Mind and Body Echuca, Kelly Sports and Rochester Lion's Club for being part of our mission to provide Wellness to our school community.



The rain was not enough to stop our annual morning with the special women in the lives of our children.  You are so loved by your little people and we love being able to share these moments with you all. Plan B turned out to be just as wonderful to celebrate you all!

Thank you to all our volunteers - we couldn't do it without you.



Further to Georgina's visit to the school and staff, she has provided information that will be shared to families over the coming weeks.  

A key message that she delivered when visiting was "name it to tame it" - this means teaching our children to name what they are feeling so that we as adults in their lives can support them, model to them and move them through these feelings rather than letting them to develop into bigger issues.

This feelings poster has some key emotions that children may experience daily - it is a great tool to have in your home so you can refer to it when needed.  If you would like a copy please email Jess -  jcarmichael@sjrochester.catholic.edu.au 



Week 2 whole school attendance was 


Week 3 whole school attendance was 


Week 4 whole school attendance was 
