Level 5

Level 5
Level 5 students enthusiastically participate in their learning journey daily with a positive attitude. Here are some important updates and highlights from our recent activities:
Our reading sessions focus on navigating informative text structures and analysing text structures and language features. We use the thinking routine 'see, think, wonder' to delve deeper into our readings.
Our writing lessons are currently centred around taking relevant notes for an information report. Students are learning to construct meaningful sentences, paragraphs with a leading sentence, interesting facts, and a concluding sentence. We also practice revising, editing, and enhancing our information writing skills.
This week in Maths, we are exploring the categorisation of angles. Students created PowerPoint presentations to showcase their understanding of different types of angles. Additionally, we are learning to measure angles by having students write their names on graph paper using block capital letters, identifying the angles present in their names, and measuring them.
Our current inquiry topic is the Australian government, specifically focusing on the Australian Parliament. We are exploring the roles and responsibilities of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the processes involved in being elected for each of them.
Looking ahead:
We are also excited to announce that the Bike Ed program is scheduled for Friday, May 24th. Ride2School is a nationwide program delivered by Bicycle Network designed to support schools in encouraging, empowering, and enabling more students to get physically active on their journey to school.
Thank you to those who volunteered to support us during this workshop. We appreciate the continued partnership and support from all our families.