Level 2

Level 2
Level 2 have had another marvellous fortnight of learning and were lucky enough to share this with Mothers and Special visitors on Monday. We hope all of our mothers and special others had a lovely time celebrating Mother’s Day with us!
Students are finishing off their exploration into narrative stories that engage and captivate their reader. Students have used word choice and fluency to take their reader on a journey describing their characters, settings, and events. They have been applying their skills to plan, draft, edit and publish a narrative of choice.
In Reading, Level 2 have been learning about character traits and how they influence their actions, and decisions in a story. Students have engaged in discussions with others about the text, sharing their interpretations, insights, and questions. They have listened to different perspectives and considered how this enriches their understanding of a text.
Students have been immersed in a choice of strategies such as counting on, counting back, jump, partitioning and vertical column to complete addition and subtraction equations. These strategies help students, develop a deeper understanding of addition and subtraction concepts and become more proficient in solving problems efficiently and accurately.
Students have continued their investigation of ‘Villains and Heroes’ in Fairytales. Students have been analysing the ethical choices made in a variety of stories and have then applied their understanding of ethics to the real world. Students have been exploring their ethical thinking using a range of new ‘Thinking Routines’, including Memory Draw, and See Think Wonder.
What’s coming up Week 8
Reading: Author’s Purpose
Writing: Persuasive
Maths: Money and Finance