Events & Fundraising


It was wonderful to see so many mums and VIPs last Friday at our annual SMPPS Mother’s Day breakfast.  It was a wonderful morning where the mums got to relax and enjoy some yummy bacon & egg rolls as well delicious pastries, yogurt and fruit.  This year we had a group of dads who put their hand up to help bring the morning together.  They also added their own touch organising the raffle and gathering some wonderful gifts for our mums and VIPs and their support ensured that the mums didn’t need to do anything on the day so thank you.


A big thank you to the following for helping make the morning a success:

  • Dad Squad – Leif Pedersen, Chris Arnott, Mark Anderson, Mark Angelatos, Troy Muir & Tae Jung
  • TheirCare – for the beautiful decorations and fruit platter
  • Miss Michael – for channelling the children’s creativity at the craft station (and Miss Kelly on the day)
  • The volunteers who donated juice, helped pack up & served tea 
  • Harry & his coffee van (Park Lane Coffee)

Finally a special shout out to these businesses who DONATED goods to the event.  Please if you need flowers, pastries/bread, meat or chicken please give back and support these businesses who support SMPPS.

  • South Melbourne Bakery (356 Clarendon St South Melbourne)
  • Azalea Flowers (South Melbourne Markets)
  • K & L Fresh Poultry (South Melbourne Markets)
  • Kirkpatrick’s Meats (South Melbourne Markets)