School Council 




We are very proud of the strong community that we have at SMPPS, and we wanted to highlight some ways of contributing to our student and family wellbeing that families may not be aware of. 

  1. We would love to have some new faces at our Wellbeing Subcommittee, and we really want it to reflect the diversity of our school community. You don’t need to have any special skills or knowledge to join! We are a friendly group, who meet twice a term for 45 minutes, and the meetings are held online on a Thursday evening. 
  2. We are always in need of secondhand uniforms, and right now we are especially in need of uniforms in larger sizes, and warmer items like jackets and cardigans. If you have any items at home that your child(ren) have grown out of please bring clean items to the office, they will be very gratefully received!
  3. You may have seen that we have started our ‘Family Food’ distribution. Cost of living pressures mean that many people are struggling right now. While Foodbank supplies us with food, we also welcome donated items (unopened, and in date) to be shared with the school community. If you would like to donate, or if (like me) have some unopened packets of food that your children suddenly stopped eating after loving them for months, these can be dropped at the Breakfast Club. 

If you are interested in having a (no obligation!) chat about joining the Wellbeing Subcommittee, or any of the other topics mentioned, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at either, or on 0409 437 997.


Our thanks to everyone who contributes to and makes up our school community. It is certainly one that I am proud to be a member of!


Anna Barden 

Wellbeing and Engagement Sub-committee