Principal's Message

Dear parents and carers,
Thank you to our school community for the continued support provided to the staff and students at Bairnsdale Secondary College, it is greatly appreciated.
Student Leadership
With the establishment of our SRC (Student Representative Council) we continue to see our student leaders across all year levels flourish in the new roles. Year level, house and bus captains along with Year 10 mentors provide all students across our College a voice. Our SRC provides all students the ability to be active partners in their school journey.
At our second SRC meeting for the year, student leaders reviewed the suggestions boxes that have been placed around our hubs. We had a vast array of suggestions presented and some fabulous ideas to review further. Suggestions included:
- Bigger bins in classrooms
- More outside tables
- Water coolers to fill drink bottles
- Novelty days
- Mandarins in the fresh fruit bowls
Reconciliation assembly
On Monday 27th May we held a whole school assembly to celebrate the beginning of Reconciliation week. The assembly was designed and lead by our College Captains and they were amazing. We had some past students speak about their own journey and their stories were inspiring. Year levels presented videos on what reconciliation means to them, the opportunity for students to hear what other students think was very engaging.
Congratulations to everyone involved in our Reconciliation assembly. You should be very proud.
Subject Counselling and Morrisby
This week we started our Subject Counselling and Morrisby interviews. The feedback has been wonderful, and we are super happy with the number of families who have committed to being part of their student's subject selection journey. All interviews are fully booked!
Work habits
Establishing good work habits is a lifelong skill. Therefore, we always encourage all students in the following habits:
- Being in class
- On time
- Equipment ready
- Being an active learner
Effort and ability leads to achievement. We love it when our students are the best they can be!
Special Visitor
This week we had Ian Burrage, Regional Director of the South Eastern Victoria Region for the Department of Education visit our College. As part of his visit, he had a tour of our College to view our Year 7 hub and Science Centre and also the maintenance works that have been happening on Wallace Street. It was a great opportunity to show first hand the fabulous work that has been undertaken across our College over the past couple of years. Ian chatted with staff and students and I couldn't have been more proud of our school community - wonderful!
Phones and Ear buds
Students, parents and carers are respectfully reminded that mobile phones and ear buds/headphones are to be secured stored away during the school day. Students who access their phone during the school day can expect an escalating range of responses from staff as follows:
- Student reminded of the expectation.
- Phone removed for the session.
- Phone removed for the day and securely stored at the year level hub.
- Phone plan in place where a students’ phone is dropped off at their hub before school every morning and collected from that hub at the end of the school day (securely stored, duration of escalation starting at 1 week.)
We would appreciate if parents and carers can please remind students of the expectations around phones and earbuds. Thank you.
Enjoy your long weekend.
Kindest regards,
Tony Roberts