From the Principal Team

Natalie Shanahan, Sam Fleming, Claire Johnston

School Values Review

As we move toward the completion of our new building and enter into this exciting new phase in the Banyule Primary School history it seems timely to review our school values.

Our current values and philosophy were developed in 2005 with our learner values added in 2017. It would be great to ensure they are still fit for purpose and reflective of the current needs of our community and children. 



Our vision is to have “A diverse and caring community, working together to develop self-reliant children in an innovative and vibrant learning environment”.


We strive to develop a “learning community” in which all members perform and achieve in a vibrant, positive and caring environment.  


Banyule Primary School’s motto is; Happy Kids Learn!


Our social values guide us in all that we do. They provide the foundation for expected behaviours for students, staff and families. Our learner values provide students with guidance on the behaviours and dispositions that support learning. 


Over the next few weeks we will be meeting with groups of staff, students and families to discuss, refine and review our vision and values. On Thursday June 20 at 10.00am we will be holding a small working party for interested parents. Please send us an email if you are interested in joining the group.


Wellbeing Week

Next week will see us celebrating Wellbeing Week here at school, with a variety of experiences and opportunities planned for students and teachers. What better way to start Wellbeing Week than with a day off! The King's Birthday holiday provides a great opportunity for all to follow passions, catch up with loved ones, recharge and chillax with friends. 


Tuesday will see teachers come together on our student free Curriculum Day. This Curriculum Day will focus on student wellbeing with RESILIENCE being our over-arching theme. Acclaimed author, television star and guest speaker Abdi Aden will share his story of escaping war-torn Somalia and the resilience needed to be safe and begin his new life as a refugee in Australia with staff. Staff will then spend time refreshing their understanding of our wellbeing program; Peaceful Kids, before further exploring the High Impact Wellbeing Strategies. The HIWS are 7 evidence-informed strategies developed by the Department of Education in partnership with Monash University. They have a significant effect on student wellbeing and empower school staff with knowledge and skills to build student wellbeing.

Thursday will see students and staff coming to school 'dressed to un-stress'. As recent Compass posts explain, students are able to wear clothes that make them feel relaxed, bring them joy or allow them to be themselves. 

Thursday will also see another visitor come to BPS- cartoonist Brett 'Cardy' Cardwell. Students will have the opportunity to attend Brett's cartooning workshop where he will share some of his tricks of the cartooning trade. Students will then be presented with a cartooning challenge based on the theme: Happy Kids Learn, where some cartoons will be chosen to come to life as part of a mural on our rebound wall later int he year. 


Children will also be busy in and out of classrooms with wellbeing activities planned for students throughout the week and our lunchtime clubs sharing the wellbeing flavour. 


While we have many initiatives happening daily throughout the year to support students' (and staff!) wellbeing, it is great to have these special events to strengthen the focus and promote the importance of positive wellbeing throughout the school community. 





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