R.E. & Social Justice News

By Fulvia Gerosolimo



By Fulvia Gerosolimo


To all our families,


As we approach Reconciliation Week, we are reminded of the profound importance of reconciliation and the transformative power of saying "sorry." This time invites us to acknowledge past wrongs, mend broken relationships, and build a future founded on respect and understanding.


Saying "sorry" can often be one of the hardest things to do. It requires humility, courage, and a sincere recognition of our mistakes. Yet, it is through this simple, yet powerful act that we initiate healing and reconciliation. A heartfelt apology can mend hearts, restore trust and strengthen the bonds within our community.


Life is precious, and each moment is an opportunity to cultivate love, understanding and forgiveness. It is crucial that we not only embrace the practice of saying "sorry" ourselves but also teach our children the importance of this act. We must be their role models, demonstrating through our actions the values of empathy, humility, and reconciliation.


During Reconciliation Week, let us reflect on our relationships and seek to make amends where needed. By doing so, we contribute to a more compassionate and united community. Together, we can build a future where forgiveness and understanding are at the heart of our interactions.


May we all find the strength to say "sorry" and the grace to forgive, setting a positive example for the younger generation and fostering a spirit of reconciliation in our lives.


Every blessing for the week ahead,


Fulvia Gerosolimo



Sacrament of Confirmation


On Sunday, six of our Year Six students - Alexander, Phoenix, Asher, Matthew, Liesel and Aria, received the sacrament of Confirmation in a beautiful and reverent celebration led by Episcopal Vicar Tony Kerin, Father Charles Balnaves and Father Isaac. It was a joyous occasion, marking a significant milestone in their spiritual journey.


May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and inspire them as they grow in their faith. 


Let us keep these students in our prayers, asking for God's grace and blessings to be with them always.



Tinnies for Vinnies


What a huge success our Tinnies for Vinnies drive has been! We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the generous donations of cans of food for St. Vincent de Paul. Your kindness and support have made a significant impact in our community.


The donated tins will be distributed to the homeless and provide warm, nourishing food through the Soup Vans in our area. This initiative not only helps to feed those in need but also brings comfort and hope to many.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to this important cause. Your generosity embodies the spirit of compassion and solidarity that defines our community.



  • Monday 27th May - Friday 3rd June - National Reconciliation Week
  • Wednesday 5th June @10am - St Kevin Feast Day - Mass - ALL WELCOME
  • Wednesday 12th June  @10am - Feast of the Sacred Heart - Mass - ALL WELCOME