Principal's News

Our theme for this year


Lets Care! Be the difference! 


                                   Tuesday 21/05/24


On Sunday 19th May, our Year 6 students received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

May God bless them abundantly throughout their lives and especially for their Confirmation,  may He guide and strengthen them through this important milestone in their faith journey.

We invite you to keep these students in your prayers.




Spirit of God, grant me:


The gift of wisdom, to see the world through your eyes.

The gift of counsel, to make difficult decisions.


The gifts of knowledge and understanding, to use my mind to know you and to love you.


The gift of fortitude, to have the courage to live in the faith despite the difficulties and disappointments.


The gift of piety, to be able to express my special love and commitment to you.


Finally, the right kind of awesome fear that makes me pause to wonder and revere God’s Love.   



Congratulations to Ana Saro, Tiziana D’Costa, Pam, Nadia and Fulvia Gerosolimo for organising such beautiful liturgies and Fiona George and Angela Scarella, the Year 5/6 teachers who prepared the students so well. Thank you also to the families of the candidates. We continue to pray for these students and their families. 


Prep Enrolment 2025

We are so excited to welcome new and existing prep families into our school community.  It is so delightful to meet and showcase our amazing facilities.  The parents and carers give me such positive feedback about the students' beautiful manners and welcoming approach. This week we are sending an offer to enrolled families.



Student, Parent & Teacher Conversations 

Student, Parent & Teacher Conversations will take place on Wednesday 26th of June between 12:30pm and 5:30pm. 

All students will finish school at 12pm on that day.  All students are required to attend the Conversations as this is a perfect opportunity to review achievements so far and then set goals.  Reports will be sent to the Compass Parent Portal on Monday 24th  June. Please ensure you can log in and receive messages etc.

Any parents that have attended a PSG (Parent Support Group) meeting for their child, do not need to schedule a Parent, Teacher, Student conversation.


Year 3/4 F Student, Parent & Teacher Conversations will take place a week earlier on the 19th of June as Annie is having dental surgery the last week of Term 2.  The students in 3/4F will finish school at normal time on the 19th of June.  


Documentation and booking information will be posted on Compass by the end of this week.


Student Attendance 

Remember that students are expected to be at school by 8:45am.  It is very unsettling to miss out on the first welcome activities of the day.  We are striving to set up the best learning environment, being present and ready to commence mindfulness activities at 8:50am. It is very important and settling for all to be present and ready.  Thank you for your support in making this happen.

Student Voice and Action - Fresh Cabbage

Last week some families and staff were fortunate enough to receive the gift of cabbage from our sustainable veggie garden.  The Year 3/4 students have been working on the planting, watering and weeding.  They have most recently planted some herbs and vegetables. We look forward to a healthy crop. Great work especially to Ms Costa, Mrs McCrorie & Arian in 3/4CC.


St Kevin's Art Show 2024
St Kevin's Art Show 2024

St Kevin's ART SHOW & MAJOR FUND RAISER for 2024!

Wednesday 4th of September  &  Thursday 5th of September

Special opening on Sunday for St Kevin's Parishioners! 

More information to follow! 





Winter Sportssoccer


Last week the Year 5 and 6 students and a few Year 4 students participated in the  Winter Sport Inter School Soccer and Tee Ball competition against other District school teams.  The students enjoy this opportunity to meet and interact with other local school students whom they may meet as they move onto Secondary school.


The Soccer team won 3 out of 3 games and the Tee Ball team won 2 out 4 games.

Congratulations on your collaboration and respectful behaviour! I am so very proud of you all!



Cross country

We wish the students competing at Cross Country and representing our school all the best for Friday 24th of May


Bunning BBQ

Bunnings – DONCASTER – Saturday 1st June   8am - 5:30pm

Thank you to all the families who have donated goods and funds to this fundraiser.  Also, thank you to parents and carers who have offered to assist with servicing, cooking and cleaning up.  We only need two more parents and the roster will be completely full! Top job everyone!  




Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be taking place at St Kevin’s commencing Friday 26th of May and continuing next Monday and Tuesday.  I look forward to seeing you all there in the next few days!  


If your child is interested in being a helper at the Fair please email Jo Matarazzo (see information below). They would need to be available for at least one session, either Friday afternoon, or Monday, Tuesday before school and/or after school. Any help would be greatly appreciated but it is not compulsory.  Please email Jo Matarazzo


The times are: Friday: 3.00pm -4.30 pm; Monday/Tuesday: 8.30am – 9am; and 3.20-4.00pm 


Thank you to Jo Matarazzo for organising and assisting with setting up this extravaganza in the Library. 


Traffic Plan

Over the past few months the SAC (School Advisory Council) has reviewed traffic safety in and around the school.  This was a direct action from feedback given to the council from parents in our community.  Laura Mangiavillano led and designed a visual representation that will be distributed to all families on enrolment and reviewed at the commencement of each school year.

It is linked to this document and is available in hard copy from the office if required.


St Kevin’s Traffic Management Plan 2024


Thank you to Laura for all your time and effort working on this plan and the team for your feedback and respectful conversations about this most important aspect of school life.  


If any parent or carer has any questions or feedback please approach a SAC member or email Gabee Leone.





Congratulations to 1GS and 5/6GS!


PBL Update

The PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning)  focus for this week and next week is part of being 'Responsible' - "I take ownership for my learning"



Felix Uniform Range - Uniform update and Price List Link




Term 2 - Week 5 & 6 We are practising ‘Permesso’ & ‘Avanti’! Fermatevi - stop! Guardate - everyone look, Ascoltate - everyone listen, venite qua - come here (plural), tutti in piedi - everyone stand up.


New vocabulary Quanti anni hai? (how old are you?) Ho ----- anni e tu Numbers & I am ---years old and you.


Continue with Posso avere... ? (Can I have... ?) la matita (the pencil) la colla (the gluestick) la carta (the paper) e le forbici (the scissors)


Staff News 

Due to family circumstances Bianca Di Giovanni has decided to step down from the Literacy Leader Position and continue her great work with the 1DS team from Wednesday to Friday.

Thank you Bianca for all your leadership and hard work in Literacy this year! Eva Tomazos has generously agreed to lead Literacy till the end of the year.  


Thank you to Daniel for all his work in PE! You have been amazing and the students and staff have really enjoyed working with you!


Thank you to Louis for teaching Year 2P.  The staff and students appreciate your calm nature and great ICT skills.  Louis will be taking PE lessons for the rest of the term.


Welcome Chiara Leone! Chiara is working in the St Kevin’s chool Office as Administration Assistant for the next six weeks as Selena is having a European Honeymoon and will be away till the end of the term.  Chiara will remember to open the gates on time from tomorrow on! She is learning the ropes and I know she will shine!


                                                                    Warmest regards, Gabee