Around the Classrooms

Certificate Presentation to Eucharist Candidates 

Performing Arts


It’s been a busy term in the Performing Arts classroom!

The Preps most recently have been investigating sounds and stories, using their senses identified in their inquiry unit.  They have created sounds using their voices, bodies or instruments to match sounds described in a story, such as “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”.  They definitely loved the use of instruments; the Thunder Tube and the Wind Tube being the most sought after! 

The 1/2’s have just recently begun playing notes on tuned percussion instruments such as the glockenspiel, metallophone, xylophone, marimba and piano.  Using tuned percussion, they have explored the concept of pitch, identifying high and low sounds.  They loved learning more about pitch and sound waves using the tuning fork experiment in water, and also the oscilloscope that shows how sound waves are shaped differently depending on how high or low the notes are.

The 3/4's have been learning about pitch as well, identifying notes on the treble clef staff in a variety of ways (on the music room floor, on dice game worksheets, etc). Their favourite way to review the treble clef is recorder play alongs – Music with Mr Gray being the most popular. This YouTube channel is free and available if they would like to practice at home.

The 5/6 students have been working particularly hard at composing a four-part piece of music that includes a melody over a pentatonic scale, a bassline, a harmony and some percussion.  Most recently they began practicing in groups, with each student taking one line to perform.  They have been very studious and dedicated at learning their pieces and should be very proud of themselves. 

All year levels have been practicing something special which your student may divulge, but shhhh! It’s a secret! All will be revealed soon.


Happy singing, dancing and playing! 

Emma Cooper - Performing Arts and Digital Technologies Leader