Principal's Message
Teresa Stone
Principal's Message
Teresa Stone
“People don’t care how much you know,
until they know how much you care.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
I believe one of our schools strengths is its culture of care. I see it everyday. I see it in the older children who stop to help a younger child. I see it when the support staff help out children and parents in the office and the first aid room. I see it when the teachers who not only take the time to get to know the kids in their classroom but all children. I see it when Manny checks up on the school in his own time to make sure we have a safe playgrounds.
It is being embedded in our curriculum with the specialist programs and the work students are doing to develop an environmentally friendly school ground. For example the 3/4 children are working with their teachers developing designs for the kitchen garden and year 5/6 Aimee have organised for recycling bins to be set up in the school.
We should all be very proud of our behaviour and our commitment to being a caring school.
At this time of the year the formal part of our reporting process has commenced and our reports will be going home soon. This is a time for celebration of achievements and for refocussing our energies into new goals. Student led conferences will be held in week 7 of term 3
Part of our school wide goal this year has been to focus on reducing the number of absences and incidences of lateness. We have asked that parents let us know if children are going to be away or to put a notification on compass. We will touch base with you if we don’t hear from you.
Many comments from parents and teachers have indicated that this has helped in building the school and home partnership for our students learning. As we know, too many absences interrupt a student’s learning and has a great impact of their understanding of content and their friendships.
At the moment the biggest negative impact on student learning is lateness to school. Many of the key instructions and ideas are developed in the first half hour of the day and students need to be in class at 8.50 to be organised and start promptly at 9am. I appreciate your support and help in this.
A reminder for parents and guardians that Term 2 finishes on Friday the 28th of June at 2:00 pm.. Term 3 commences Monday the 15th of July. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and happy holiday.
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