Principal's update

Hello everyone, 


Here is the newsletter for week six:


Bare root fruit tree fundraiser


Please see the Parents and Friends page for more details of this exciting opportunity, a web link is also below


Gardening Club update from Sam


I'll be running garden club on alternating Thursday & Friday afternoons for the rest of this term, as these are the days people can make it. So Friday this week, Thursday next week from 3-3.30pm, and I'll review how it's going come mid-year school holidays. We had four people turn up on Friday!  Sam


2025 Taradale Calendar


The Parents and Friends Group has had a 2025 calendar printed. The calendar is full of beautiful pictures of Taradale and lists local dates. The calendar is available for purchase from the school office for $12-. A sample copy is also availalbe for viewing.


Breakfast Club 


The link to roster is now working! Thank you to people who have already added their name. Without the help of wonderful volunteers we are unable to run the Breakfast Club

If you are available to help out this term, please add your name to term two roster via the link below.


The more days we can run Breakfast Club, the more often children attend. You can use the link below to add your name. 


upcoming dates

  • Monday 10 June King's Birthday public holiday - school closed
  • Friday 28 June end of term 2 2.00pm dismissal


2024 and beyond enrolments

We are now taking enrolments for 2024 Preps and other years. 

If you know of anyone looking to enrol at Taradale, please let them know we aren't full and that we can accept enrolments from outside the neighbourhood catchment.





Christopher Burgess
