Dates and Events

Important Dates to Remember

We have an exciting term ahead, with many different activities planned. Dates are listed below and can also be found on our website.

Wed 22nd May7.00pmLaunching Year 9 Information Evening
Fri 24th May8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 27th May8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 28th May NWPSSA Cross Country (Yr 3-6)
Wed 29th May8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
Fri 31st May8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 3rd June8.30amPrimary Assembly
  ICAS Assessment online entries close
Wed 5th June8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 8.30amSecondary Inter Schools Cross Country
Fri 7th June7.30amSecondary Rise & Shine Breakfast
 8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 10th June King's Birthday public holiday
Tue 11th June9.00am

GLN Leaders Networking Event - 

Building a Culture of Trust

Wed 12th June8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 9.00amDCS Community Meeting
Thur 13th June Secondary All Schools Cross Country
 9.00amNext Gen GLS - Year 5/6
Fri 14th June8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amNext Gen GLS - Secondary
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 17th June8.30amPrimary Assembly
  Premier's Reading Challenge commences
Tue 18th June Primary All Schools Cross Country
 7.15pmDCS Inc AGM
Wed 19th June8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 10.00amYear 5/6 Devonport Local excursion
Thur 20th June9.30amFounders Celebration and Morning Tea
Fri 21st June8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 24th June8.30amPrimary Assembly
Wed 26th June8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
Fri 28th June8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 1st July8.30amPrimary Assembly
Wed 3rd July8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 7.00pmSecondary Production: High School Musical
Thur 4th July7.00pmSecondary Production: High School Musical
Fri 5th July Last day Term 2
 8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer

Assembly SMS Notification

Every Wednesday we will be sending out an SMS notification to families of Primary students who will be receiving a certificate from their classroom teacher at our Friday morning assembly.


We would love it if you could join us on a Friday morning if you receive this notification, but understand if work or other commitments prevent this.

School Calendar

Our school calendar is available at: 

Term Dates

Term 2:

Wednesday 1st May - Friday 5th July


Term 3:

Thursday 25th July - Thursday 26th September


Term 4:

Tuesday 15th October - Tuesday 10th December