As a school we like to pray for both our school and the wider community.
You are invited to join with others in our community in prayer, each Friday afternoon at 2:30pm.
We would love for you to join us in praying for the following:
Praise Points:
- A fantastic morning at our Primary Cross Country
- An amazing turnout at last night's Faith In Our Future event in Launceston
- Launching Year 9 Information Evening tonight
Prayer Points:
- Continued building works on our new Year 5/6 classrooms and primary basketball courts
Local Churches:
- Lifeway Baptist Church - Pastors Nicholas and Hannah Alexander
- Lutheran Church Devonport - Pastor Sam Modra
CEN Tasmanian Schools:
- Leighland Christian School
Our Wider CEN Community:
- Richmond Christian College - Ballina, NSW
- Gawa Christian School - Gawa, Elcho Island, NT