Winter sports day

AFL Winter Sports

Two weeks ago 20 students from Dana Street entered the Winter Sports AFL tournament. It was a very exciting moment for all of us when we dominated the first game against Yuille Park with the scores being 62-0, Dana Street won. 


The second game scores against Beaufort were 55-0. 


We next went on to Gordon, they were very tough opponents. We ended up losing by 9 points, however, we played extremely well in the second half. 


It was great to see so many of our teammates showcase their football skills. Even though we were disappointed we lost our third game, we were all so proud of each other in the way we played and supported each other on the field. Everyone on our team showed our school values to the best standard.


Last but not least, on behalf of the team, I’d like to thank Mr Jones, Zara and Sam for making Winter sports football happen. We couldn't have had the amazing wins we did without your support.


Cooper and Max T, 5/6P 




On Thursday last week Jack, Kenny, Charlie, Max.M, Evie, Elvis, Audrey, TJ, Rohan, Oliver, Mikiah, Arkady, Adwin, Jitaaz and Cambell went to one of the Vic Park pitches to represent our school in soccer. 


We had Oliver, Evie, and TJ as our goalies and took turns in swapping the players on the pitch. Our first game was against Lucas Primary and we saw one of our former P.E teachers Mr.O.The first half Rohan scored making the points 1-0 and the second half we had to keep it up. 


We had an hour between each game and in that team we either trained or chilled. 

The next game was against Yuille Park.  In the first half they were up by one point, but after an inspirational speech from our coach Mr. Jones, we ended up winning 4 - 1. 


The third game determined whether we got into the semifinals or not, it was against Gordon Primary and we just had to win or tie to move on to the next level. The first half had everyone stressed and there were no goals. The second half, just as intense as the first, we had great defensive pressure making sure that no-one scored. We moved onto the semifinals!


In the semi final, we were against Pleasant Street which were a huge step up from the other three teams, and though we tried our best they won. We all showed great pride outside of school and had lots of fun competing!


Jack Bell 5/6P