Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Assessment & Reporting

Over the past 3-4 weeks our Yr 7 students have been busy completing assessment tasks across all of their subjects. This has been a very busy time for all students in the classroom and they have been applying themselves well. Staff have been busy marking assessments and completing mid year reports, students are encouraged to use the feedback provided to continue to improve across their areas of study. Any queries around assessment please make contact with your classroom teacher.



As winter hits the number of absences due to illness has begun to increase. We would like to thank all parents who have promptly notified the school of an absence, it makes our job so much easier. A reminder absences can be recorded by contacting the absence hotline - 53 817 200 or via SEQTA engage or by direct messaging your child’s form group teacher.



With the colder weather students are reminded to ensure they are wearing appropriate clothing to stay warm and comfortable at school. With this they need to ensure they are wearing a College uniform. Any long sleeve undergarments must be either white or navy and no hoodies are to be worn under school shirts. On wet weather days, the M wing is opened up for the students to stay dry. We have had some issues with students not following this direction and staying out in the rain getting wet intentionally. Students will be followed up with a consequence if this occurs, as we need to look after the health & safety of all students.



There has been an increase in rubbish and food scraps around the Yr 7 Locker area. To keep this area free from mice, we need our students to be keeping this area clean and tidy!



Students are reminded they need to be taking their diaries to EVERY class. These are for students to remain organised by writing in homework, assessment task due dates, important reminders and also used to sign out if a student needs to leave class (toilet break, locker etc)


Curriculum Day/King’s Birthday Public Holiday

This Friday and Monday we have a curriculum day for staff and the King’s Birthday public holiday. Students can enjoy this mini break and we look forward to seeing them return to school on Tuesday refreshed and ready to finish off the last 3 weeks of term.