Alternate Programs

Dan Garner - Assistant Principal Alternate Programs

We are well into the second half of term and are working through reports and making sure all students have completed assessments to give them the best possible chance to succeed in Semester 1. If your student is struggling with anything, can you please reach out to staff with concerns. We pride ourselves on being able to help wherever possible for your student to succeed.


McKenzie Creek uniform – as we get into the colder months can you please make sure that your child has appropriate uniform for the colder weather. If there is any support needed in arranging uniform, we can assist through the State Schools Relief service. Please reach out to Ben or Ronnie to work through.


Absences – As the months get colder and illness sets in can I please remind you to follow up any of your child’s absences. We understand that things come up and are committed to making sure we do everything we can to get students to school. Please reach out if your student is absent.


Attitudes to School – we are currently working through several surveys to improve our school. If you or your child has the opportunity to give feedback to improve the schooling for those enrolled, please reach out. We are always looking to improve in areas that we are lacking. Feel free to get in contact with Dan Garner – Assistant Principal on 0473 238 253 if you would like to discuss.


Chaplaincy Book Fair – last week saw the continuation of the very successful Chaplaincy Book Fair in the Hall.  A big congratulations to the Chaplaincy Committee, but also to our students from across Blue Group, McKenzie Creek and Senior Groups who assisted with set-up and book organisation throughout the past five months.  You have played a great role in the success of the event.



Dan Garner

Assistant Principal – Alternate Programs

McKenzie Creek 

Australian Ballet Incursion 

During week 9, all of the McKenzie Creek students will participate in an incursion facilitated by the Australian Ballet Company. The experience will cater for all students who have some dance experience or have two left feet like Ben & Dan! 


Students will learn choreography techniques, safe warm ups and have the opportunity to meet professional dancers. 


The sessions will run during the Creek electives in week 9 from the Tuesday to Thursday, with all students invited to view the main performance in the Hall at the end of the week.


Thank you Pav, for organising this experience for the Creekers. 


Creek ‘Movement’ Lesson - Bocce Championship 

Over a three week period, students have been honing in on their Bocce skills which culminated in a round-robin tournament. Whilst most students had never heard of the sport before, they had enjoyed learning about the different techniques with throwing the bocce ball, how to score and different strategies to maximise their scoring by having the most balls closest to the jack. 


Our champion was Blake R who had tied with Pacall. Both Blake R and Julian S recorded two wins each, but it was Pascall who could land the most ball closest to the jack at the end of the day. 

  • First place - Blake R & Pascall
  • Second place - Julian S
  • Third place - Gavin S

Happy Birthday Blake

Year 8 student Blake C celebrated his 14th birthday at the Creek on Friday, the team were able to have some delicious white chocolate mud cake as they sang Happy Birthday! 



Upcoming Key Dates

Friday 7 June - Curriculum Day 

Monday 10 June - King’s Birthday 

Tuesday 11 to Thursday 13 June - Australian Ballet Incursion (period 5&6 only)

Friday 14 June - Australian Ballet Performance in the Hall (period 3&4 only)


From the Creek Team