Student Engagement



Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall, Liam Offer & Dan Garner

Curriculum Day - Friday 7th June

With this Friday being a student free day, we wanted to let families know that the Study Centre will be open for students to complete private Study. This space will be supervised by a staff member, but will only stay open if there are students present prior to recess.  This is a fantastic opportunity to complete study and homework in a quiet environment without distraction. 


Reconciliation Week

Last Friday we held a casual dress day as part of our Reconciliation Week activities with funds raised going towards the Fred Hollows Foundation. We are pleased to announce that we raised approximately $600 - A huge thankyou to the students who supported this fantastic cause. We also held a design competition, where students designed a handprint and we look forward to announcing the year level winners for this. 


Reminders - Uniform

With the cold weather now well and truly with us, we would like to remind families of our school uniform policy. Our school uniform is available from Lowes in the Horsham Plaza. The new rugby jumpers are looking fantastic around the school and the feedback from students has been incredibly positive around this new inclusion to the current uniform policy. Students can also wear plain white or navy blue long sleeved tops underneath their polos. These tops can be sourced from any clothing shop. Our College beanies are available from the front office.


Mobile Phones

We would like to remind families of the State Government’s ban of mobile phones in public schools. Mobile phones are expected to be placed in lockers at the start of the day and not accessed until the end of the school day. The purpose behind the mobile phone ban was to create a safe environment to learn without inappropriate mobile phone use (and distractions and allow for greater opportunities for social interaction and physical activity during recess and lunchtimes. We ask families to support our college community by discussing the rules around mobile phones with your children. All students are aware that if they are found with their mobile phone, as per our policy, the student engagement and wellbeing team will follow up. 


Take Care and have a safe and warm long weekend.