Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Celebrating Success

On Friday 24th May the Year 12 Team hosted a special lunch for 33 Year 12 students who each achieved a BPA score of 4.5 and above on their Term 1 Reports. These students are to be congratulated on their consistent effort and application during the first part of the school year. 


Free Dress Day

Thank you to the Year 12 students for their donations to the Free Dress Day which was held on Friday 31st May. The money raised will be donated to the Fred Hollows Indigenous Program to help end avoidable blindness and improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.


Common Room

A special mention must go to those Year 12 students who have been proactive in ensuring that the Common Room is kept in a neat and tidy state. It is great to see many students make use of the newly provided vacuum cleaner. A reminder that phones are not to be used whilst in the Common Room.


Health and Wellbeing

Students are not required to be at school this Friday 7th June due to a Curriculum Day. Monday 10th June is the King’s Birthday Public Holiday, meaning that students will be able to enjoy the highly anticipated four-day long weekend. This is an ideal opportunity for students to prioritise self-care by eating well, maintaining good sleep hygiene, and balancing both school and social commitments.


GAT – Tuesday 18th June

Mr Rigas has conducted a lunch time session to inform students of requirements for this year’s GAT which will be held on Tuesday 18th June in the Maroske Hall. The GAT will be held in two parts (a morning session and afternoon session). For further information please refer to Mr Rigas’ extended article about the GAT in this newsletter.