Year 9 News

Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Leading Teacher

Year 9 Social Innovators


On Monday and Tuesday this week a few Year 9 students went to the Horsham Golf Club with Murtoa college to participate in the Social Innovators program.


Throughout the days we worked in groups of 4 or 5 to create ‘Crazy Good Ideas’ that could be placed in the town of Horsham. We all picked cards that we were interested in and this was how our teams were formed. Based off the topic of the cards the teams came up with their ideas to help community problems. On Tuesday afternoon, 6 community partners came and listened to us present our ‘Crazy Good Ideas’.


We all had lots of fun and give a big thanks out to Jenny and Rosie who ran the Social Innovators program for us. We will find out in a few weeks what team has been picked to go and make their project come to life in Melbourne.  We all enjoyed this experience and hope our ideas can make a difference in the Horsham community. 


Year 9 Social Innovators Students