Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 


Congratulations to our Year 3 students who made their First Reconciliation. I’d especially like to thank their families for their support - this year was very special with many of the student’s older siblings opting to support their younger siblings by their example.


Term 4 Dates

At St Mary’s we have some important liturgical dates coming up - please note these down for your calendar in the beginning of Term 4:

    8th December 9:15am - Immaculate Conception

    12th December 5pm - Christmas Carols

    14th December 5pm - Graduation Mass

    15th December 9:15am - End of Year Mass


As the primary sharers of faith in your family we strongly encourage you to come along and support the students and community in prayer at these Masses, Services and Events.


Jesse Tree and Advent

On December 3rd we begin to enter the Liturgical Season of Advent. You might have heard about Advent Calendars from the perspective of the little chocolate boxes with windows for the 25 days before Christmas. But the tradition is so much more than this!

During Advent the liturgical colours are Purple and Rose. 

To learn more about Advent you can see this article from MACS at Resource with a very groovy looking video which explains the Advent Wreath:

As part of Advent this year - we are looking at a special Advent Calendar called the Jesse Tree - this is a representation of Jesus Christ’s lineage as outlined in the Old Testament of the Bible. Jesse was the father of the great King David of the Old Testament. He is often looked upon as the first person in the genealogy of Jesus.

Please when you can - come and see in our school foyer our Jesse Tree display - to which our classes will add their own depictions of the Old Testament readings and passages.

What is the Jesse Tree? A Video Sharing