From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

Dear Families


We are really looking forward to our first School Fete on Saturday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Please read the P & F section for the timing of special events and all that is on offer.  Many many people have worked tirelessly and I extend heartfelt gratitude to these families and to all of our community for embracing this initiative.  The funds that are raised this year will go towards purchasing materials to make our landscaping project a reality. Please see our loop in the foyer for a 3D visualisation of the finished project, or on Anthony's Deputy page. Next year we will have several working bees and lots of fun to bring this to life. 


On Monday World Kindness Day was celebrated. The theme for this year  was "Be Kind Wherever Possible".  This focus was particularly relevant as it highlighted the significance of consideration as a widespread rule that needs to be practiced on each side of the globe and in each part of our lives.  We ask God to give us the awareness and courage to be kind in word and action to each other and those within our school and the wider community.


Remembrance Day Liturgy on Friday 10th November 

Last Friday Mr Speranza with our SRC students from Prep to Year 6, led a Remembrance Day Liturgy.  We were fortunate to have the talent of Jordan Adams, a former student and son of staff member Janelle, play the trumpet for us.  Hearing the silence of the school and the mournful Last Post and Reveille played left a lasting impression on each of us.  Mrs Perri, our Art teacher has worked with the students to create our Remembrance Day display in the foyer.  This provides a powerful entrance for our community as we are reminded of those who gave their lives for us and those who are currently living in war torn areas. 

Cricket clinic - P - 6 

Over the last fortnight all of our students have participated in a cricket clinic, through the Prahran Cricket Club.  We thank Mrs Kidman and Mr Addicoat for organising this.  It was great hearing the squeals of delight as the students learnt about the game and participated in mini cricket skill activities and games. 


St Mary’s Bake Stall 

On a very hot Friday, some of our Year 6 parents organised a Bake Stall at St Mary’s College.  We thank them for doing this and to St Mary’s College and their students for purchasing the delicious baked items on offer.  All money raised goes towards the Year 6 Graduation on Thursday 14th December. 


Yr 2 Sleep over 

The Year 2 sleepover is fast approaching and the children are getting very excited.  

Next Thursday they will return to school at 6.30pm having had dinner and will be dressed in PJ’s with a tracksuit over the top and runners. They will experience some camp type activities before settling in for a good night's’ sleep!


The children will be involved in camp activities the following morning and breakfast, snack and lunch will be provided.  We thank the parents for helping with camp brekkie and lunch, and Jacquie Fleming, Catherine Le Hunt, Daniela Borgese, Naomi Raffaele and Anthony Speranza for supervising. This is an important introduction to our camp program at St Mary’s. 


Yr 5 Leadership Program in preparation for Year 6 Leadership

An important part of the Year 5 Leadership Inquiry is for the students to explore various styles and experiences of Leadership. Currently the students are investigating the qualities and characteristics of effective leaders in our world.  In addition to this parents and carers and leaders in our community are sharing their experiences of leadership with the students. They are learning about leadership within family, community group or work place and leaders who are inspiring. We thank Sara, Craig, Father Jerome and look forward to others sharing their stories with us.  


Our students have the opportunity to experience authentic leadership, whereby they collaborate with peers within a portfolio and partner with a mentor staff member.  We thank our Year 6 students for their leadership this year and congratulate them for the many initiatives they have introduced to our school community.  In particular we are very proud of Amelia and Georgia, supported by Mrs Daniela Borgese for bringing back the School Magazine.  As part of the program the Year 6s will share their portfolios with the Year 5 students  and what they are proud of and what challenges they faced.  Of course behind this model is explicit teaching and Miss Denise together with Mr Speranza and the mentor staff of myself, Aoife McGuinness, Mrs Le Hunt, Mrs Mason, Mrs Borgese, Mrs Kidman and Mr Addicoat have played an integral part.  We look forward to learning more about this in our next newsletter. 


Student Wellbeing Day 

On Wednesday 29th November we have a special day planned. The students will participate in activities focusing on Wellbeing in multi-age groups. In the afternoon in partnership between the school and P & F we have KABOOM Sports!  We had lots of fun with Luke and his team last year and look forward to doing it again.  A note will go out through Seesaw but sports uniform and hat is essential for that day. 


I look forward to seeing you all at the fete on Saturday. 


Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you, as we continue to pray for peace, peace in our hearts, peace in our school and peace in our world.

Mrs Cathy Ferrari


Please note that our Carols date has been moved to Tuesday 12th December 5:00pm.



 Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you. 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari