From Mrs David's Desk

Dear Families,


I hope you all had the opportunity to rest up and recharge for the last few busy weeks of the 2023 school year.


During this year we have had many opportunities to celebrate and be grateful as a community. These celebrations have continued in recent weeks.


Mini Vinnies

Last Thursday our school hosted the Annual Mini Vinnies Conference. Seven other schools attended this Conference including both primary and secondary. 


Ten of our incredible Year 4 students presented at this event (the youngest group). They spoke about the link our school has with the St Vincent de Paul Conference in our Parish. It was pleasing to see four of our parishioners (St Vincent de Paul members) joining our students for this event.


Each of our students spoke with confidence and pride about the events they held this year to raise both awareness and money for those in need in our community. 


Thank you to Miss Lark for supporting the endeavours of our Mini Vinnies during the year.


Remembrance Day

This weekend we commemorate Remembrance Day.


I invite families to listen to the song 'Tree of Life' by Gen Bryant and think about the following questions:


How can you be a person of peace? 

What could you do to bring peace to your community? 

What could your community do to make our world a more peaceful place?


On this day of Remembrance, we remember the courageous men and women who gave their lives in wartime and as a result of war. As we remember the lives that have been lost, let us promise each other to work for the freedom of all who are oppressed in the world today. We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus who taught us how to live.


Vision/Mission Statement

During this year our community has developed our new Mission Statement to support our Vision Statement developed in 2022. Our school theme for the last two years has come from the wording in our Vision Statement. This year our theme is 'We Belong'. 


Our Mission statement embodies Holy Family school's direction in the future.


Vision Statement


In faith

We believe 

We belong

We learn

We grow


Mission Statement


In faith we are a community that lives our daily lives based on our Catholic traditions and values.


We believe in encountering and deepening our relationship with God.


We belong to an inclusive and nurturing community that embraces all.


We learn to become creative, collaborative, active and informed citizens.


We grow to reach our full potential.


ICAS Medal Winner

Our school community would like to congratulate Mateo Karmawan who was awarded the ICAS Gold Medal for being the Year 3 Spelling Champion in Australia.


Victorian Hurdles Champion

On behalf of our school community I would like to congratulate Jack Beasley on winning the Gold Medal in his Hurdles Finals race last Thursday.



New Families

Yesterday we welcomed more than 24 new students and their families to Holy Family. The majority of these students are joining our school from St Mary Magdalen's School in Chadstone.


This was the first of 3 Transition Sessions for these students in Years 1-6.


Thank you to our staff, students and families for making our new families feel welcome.


Prep Camp Day

Last Friday our Prep students had an amazing day of fun activities including a visit from a few animals for their camp day.


Thank you to Miss King and Mrs Dimovski for planning and organising this memorable day for our students.



At the moment some students are bringing large amounts of money to school ($50/$70). 


I am requesting that parents/carers please monitor the amount of money your child is bringing to school?


It would be unfortunate if they lost some of their money.


2024 School Fees

After discussions with our MACS Finance Business Partner (Jacqueline Fan) it has been decided to raise our 2024 School Fees by 3%.



Red Jelly Crystal Donations

Our Parents and Friends Association are making red jelly for our students to celebrate Christmas. It would be great if each family could donate a packet of red jelly crystals in the next couple of weeks. Please drop these off at the office.


Thank You

The front of our Administration Building looks amazing! A BIG thank you to Daniel Trettel and his father-in-law for moving all of the tanbark onto our garden beds.


I would also like to thank the members of our School Advisory Council and Parents and Friends Association for your support this year. Our staff and families are fortunate to have such enthusiastic and dedicated parents working hard behind the scenes at at functions to continue to improve our facilities and the education for our students.


School Closure Day

Friday 24th November (2024 Staff Planning Day)


Term 4 Events


Friday 10th - Remembrance Day Service (10:45am) All welcome

Friday 10th - SDSSA Summer Sport

Saturday 11th - Remembrance Day

Tuesday 14th - 2024 Prep Transition

Thursday 16th - Year 3/4 Performing Arts Celebration

Monday 20th - Transition Day (New students Years 1-6)

Tuesday 21st - 2024 Prep Transition

Friday 24th - School Closure Day (2024 Planning)

Friday 24th - Parish Dinner Dance (6:30pm)

Monday 27th - Friday 8th Dec (Prep-Year 4 Swimming Program)

Tuesday 28th - 2024 Prep Transition

Wednesday 29th - Swimming Rest Day

Wednesday 29th - Transition Day (New students Years 1-6)



Thursday 7th - Holy Family Community Christmas Carols

Monday 11th - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony (Avila College)

Wednesday 13th - End of Year Mass 9:15am (TBC)

Wednesday 13th - Year 6 Celebration Afternoon

Friday 15th - Final 2023 Assembly (2pm)

Friday 15th - School finishes at 3:15pm

Monday 18th - Staff Planning Day

Tuesday 19th - Staff Planning Day

Wednesday 20th - Staff Time In Lieu Day


2024 School Year

Term 1


Monday 29th - Staff Return

Tuesday 30th - Student Testing

Wednesday 31st - Student Testing



Thursday 1st - All students commence

Sunday 4th - Prep 2024 Playdate

Friday 9th - Parent Welcome Event (everyone welcome)

Friday 23rd - Athletics Trial Day

Thursday 29th - Prep and New Families Dinner



Friday 15th - School Community Colour Run