Class News

Year 6 Canberra Excursion
Last week, Year 6 made the journey to Canberra for an action packed itinerary filled with national treasures! 50 students joined Mr Doyle, Mrs Glover, Mr Lemaire and Mrs Vaiciurgis to mint coins; make an appeal in the High Court; pass a bill in parliament; hypnotise Mr Doyle and find the missing dove at a magic show; hold an election; conduct science experiments and drop from a height at Questacon; admire expensive art at the National Gallery; touch sculptures (sorry about that - in future don't touch sculptures); walk Lake Burley Griffin; commemorate at the War Memorial; play in the pod playground, roll down the hill and see the bonsais at the Arboretum; go on safari at the National Zoo and Aquarium and test ourselves and challenge each other physically at the Australian Institute of Sport!
No wonder we slept so well on the bus ride home!
The students had an epic time, and the teachers are so proud to take such a great group of students away.
Thank you to everyone that supported this excursion and the fundraising efforts that helped us reduce the cost. Boambee PS would also like to acknowledge the assistance received by the Australian Government's Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) program. Each participating student received a subsidy of precisely $67.50 towards the cost of the excursion.
Mr Doyle
Questacon Science Circus
On the 24th of October we were lucky enough to have representatives from Questacon visit our students to present some fun filled experiments. The Questacon Science Circus is a major outreach program from Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre in Canberra. The presentation was an exciting and interactive experience covering aspects of science in everyday life.
Toormina High School Visits
Boambee Public School students from 4G learning at Toormina High School with the wonderful Toormina High students and staff.
Stage 3 students from Bonville and Boambee joined forces to work their magic in maths at Toormina High on the 25th of October.
Combined Highschools Cultural Performance
In week 3, Stage 3 students were invited to enjoy the Combined High Schools Cultural Performance at CeX Stadium. Our local high schools presented a performance celebrating Aboriginal culture in song and dance. Some local primary schools also performed on the day. Boambee students enjoyed the creative display despite the damp weather!