P&C News

P&C President's Report
Hello Community,
We are almost halfway through the term. Wow how much does time fly. We hope that everyone is looking forward to all the celebrations that are at the end of the year.
This year the P&C has pledged $1000 each to Stage 2 and Stage 3 for their upcoming end of year fun days to reduce the cost of each student participating.
Each time we fundraise we think about how we can immediately give back to your kids. We don't store the money for a rainy day way into the future, rather how can we help the kids now!
Please consider doing some volunteer work in 2024. We hold our AGM in Term 1, week 4 on a Monday. We are always looking for fresh ideas and new helpers. We only ask you to do as much as you want to input, this can be as much or as little as you like.
The canteen is always looking for new people to help out as well. If this is something you would like to do please see Leanne in the canteen. Even if its one day a term or month!
Thank you Community for your ongoing support.
Tasanee Alam
P&C President