Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Check in Assessment Results
As part of our assessment schedule for your children we have recently completed our check in assessments for Years 3,4,5 and 6. These standardised tests allow us to evaluate our progress against statistically similar schools (SSSG's). This is an important measure for our school, triangulating our data for quality assurance. In the most recent assessments Boambee Public School are above Statistically Similar Schools Government (SSSG) in 7 out of 8 areas (3 for Reading and 4 for Numeracy).
After spending the past 3 years investing in our professional learning with a focus on reading and numeracy this is a very pleasing result. A crucial aspect of this improvement is the extra reading and math that you have been supporting your children with at home - well done Boambee families!
Year 6 Camp
Thank you to Mr Doyle, Mrs Glover, Mr Lemaire and Mrs Vaiciurgis for their outstanding effort organising the Canberra excursion and supporting our students throughout the week.
The Year 6 team set up a Seesaw conversation with all of the families and kept them up to date with daily photos and locations, our parents really appreciated this extra effort from the Year 6 team.
Mr Doyle reported that the student behaviour was awesome, and that the whole experience was a huge success. Please read a more detailed report in the class news section.
Toormina High School Visits
Years 4, 5 and 6 students have had the opportunity recently to learn together at Toormina High School. Year 4 have been participating in science lessons whilst Years 5 and 6 have had math and english classes on site at Toormina this term.
Thank you to the THS staff and students who have hosted our visits.
Stage 1 Swimming
Boambee Public School Swimming Program
students in Years 1 and 2 have been participating in our intensive swimming program lessons every day for the past 2 weeks. Our students have had lots of fun and strengthened their swimming skills during this very busy week.
Sincere thanks to our Year 1 and 2 staff who usually work right through their lunch breaks during this period to make sure the swimming sessions can go ahead.
Roof Works
Roof works continue at Boambee Public School with the hall being opened again after a 2 week closure. This was particularly challenging for our staff and students when we experienced rain last week. Congratulations to everyone for the resilient way in which you managed this challenge.
Mr Griffin's class will be finished in the coming days and then the music room will be worked on.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Amelia-Rose Braaksma - 2/3RM
Outstanding effort in home learning.
Willow Findlay - 5B
Consistently being a positive role model.
Joshua Keipert - 5B
Consistently being a positive role model.
Sebastian Wiseman - 5M
Consistently being a positive role model.
Kiandra Archibald - KH
Being resilient at school.
Genevieve Simpson - KH
Working incredibly hard to improve her reading.
Jayden Kavanagh - 3P
Applying a persistent attitude to all learning tasks.
Callum Humphrys - 3P
Reflecting the school values at all times.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.