Human Society and its Environment

Year 8

Year 8 have been learning about the water cycle for Term 4. For this lesson they researched ways Camden High school can use methods to save water. Using the research found they created posters. 


Year 9

Year 9 have been investigating “Changing places” this term for Geography. They have looked into the variety of towns and how towns become urbanised. In addition to this they have been analysing changes in population through kinaesthetic learning. They have looked at the ways in which population pyramids represent populations in Australia. 

Year 10

Year 10 Geography has been investigating the processes that form and influence places and environments. Year 10 created a brochure on issues impacting the Great Barrier Reef, students focused on the impacts of coral bleaching as well as the impacts of tourism. 

Year 11

Year 11 Modern History – Last term – Year 11 Modern History students learnt all about WWI, especially the significance of Trench Warfare and its impact on the longevity and severity of War. Students engaged in visual source analysis where they were able to learn the impact of Trench warfare on mental and physical health. Trench foot was the talk of the lesson, until the corned beef and mutton was opened, and students were able to try some of the common foods available in trenches. Rather than subject students to the realities of dull vegetable “jam” (made from anything available at the time) Ms Fascioli ended the lesson with sweet marmalade and plum Jam. A welcome relief! Well done to all students brave enough to immerse themselves into the realities of trench warfare.