TAS Times

Technology and Applied Science Faculty

Year 6 Taster Lessons

Some lucky year 6 students from local primary schools were treated to a taster lesson from our fabulous Head Teacher, Mrs Duryea, last week. Students go to check out our awesome Food Technology facilities and had loads of fun decorating their very own cupcakes.


Year 7 Textiles

Textiles classes have begun learning fabric decoration techniques in preparation for decorating a reusable shopping bag. Techniques include applique and hand embroidery, couching, tie dye, paint stick smudge and potato printing.


Year 8 Agriculture 

Harvesting Veggies

Students were able to harvest the vegetables that they have been growing in Agriculture this rotation. We’ve had excellent growing conditions over the last couple of months and we hope your families have enjoyed the fresh Lettuce, Spinach or Bok Choy that the students have brought home.


Year 10 Food Technology

Year 10 Food Technology have been working away at the Camden Café on Monday week A. We have seen them gain experience and valuable work skills, and many of them have even picked up casual/part-time jobs in a café!


This term they are studying Food Product Development, and we were lucky to have Food Technologist Louise Frith join us in Week 1 to talk to us about her role in Food Product Development. Louise discussed the process her company undertakes to develop a new food product, from idea to supermarket shelf. This assisted our students in completing their Assessment Task, where they needed to develop a new movie snack, to promote a movie of their choice.


During one practical lesson, students were able to experiment with Popcorn Flavours.