Aboriginal Education

The Wiritjiribin Word

Dreamtime Story Workshops 

During Weeks 3, 4 and 5 this term our First Nations students and invited friends in Year 7 and 8 have been participating in our annual Dreamtime story workshops. This year the stories come to us from Noongar Country in the south western corner of Western Australia and are part of an annual week of storytelling from Common Ground which aims to bring First Nations Knowledge and Stories into homes and classrooms all around Australia.


Through these workshops, we have explored what it is like in Noongar Country, some Noongar language, the Dreamtime stories Djinda Midariny, Kodj and The Baylit and participated in a range of activities to deepen our understanding of the significance of these stories for the Noongar people.  We have also reflected on the themes of these stories such as respect, envy, consequences, staying safe, caring for Country, resourcefulness, navigation, the night sky and First Nations sciences. 


You can watch the trailer for this year’s First Nations Bedtime Stories here 

