Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Cezerina 6B for showing pride and integrity in Art. Cezerina is always respectful and focused, she is a wonderful collaborator and is a kind and supportive classmate.  Well done Cezerina, you are a pleasure to have in my Art class!


LLI - Year 1/2C - Faneend displays an enthusiastic attitude towards learning during L.L.I. lessons and works cooperatively with the other students in her Reading Group. Thank-you and well done, Faneend.  


6A - Ariana for showing great leadership skills when rehearsing Graduation performances. Well done on your positivity and enthusiasm. It is a pleasure to watch you improve your leadership skills. Wonderful achievement.

6B Christopher for a well thought out persuasive writing piece highlighting the reasons to have Home Economics classes in schools. Fantastic effort Christopher.

6C - Emmy for consistently modelling the school values and being a kind and considerate classmate.


5A - Roland for his achievements in writing and reading over the past few weeks. He has worked with great focus to improve his handwriting style. Roland has also made pleasing growth with his reading accomplishments; reading a challenging text fluently and easily, with sound understanding.

5B - Bao for consistently demonstrating our school values when I was absent from school. Keep working hard & doing your best!

5C - Henry for working collaboratively with peers and including everyone. Keep working hard and doing your best. Well done Henry!


4A - Elyana for consistently showing all of the school values and being an excellent role model to her peers. Amazing work, Elyana!

4B - Ava for being a great friend and offering help to others when they need it. Well done for demonstrating our school values of respect and collaboration. Keep it up! 

4CRyan for demonstrating integrity and resilience during Reading. He actively sought feedback and reflected on his learning progress to improve his comprehension skill. Fantastic work, Ryan!


3A - Abigail for displaying pride and respect. Abigail, you have been voted by your peers for completing your work neatly and with detail, and also because you are a nice friend. Well done Abigail! 

3B - Thao for being a focused learner and her classmates appreciate her kindness and the way she helps others.

3C - Azra for showing great resilience during writing sessions. She received teacher feedback and took it upon herself to use this feedback to uplevel her work. Super effort Azra!


1/2A - Joseph for always trying his best and putting in a high level of effort.

1/2BHamza for always putting in  a high level of effort and continuing to work independently without distraction. Well done Hamza!

1/2C - Siddak for developing his confidence when arriving at school each morning. Well done Siddak, keep it up! 

1/2E - Arshpreet for demonstrating resilience. Arshpreet continued to work hard, practising to improve her skills in all key learning areas. She has completed all learning tasks independently and promptly. Great work Arshpreet!


FA - Pharez for remaining focused on the floor during learning time. Well done!

FB - Avei-Latai for trying her best at all learning activities this week. Great work!