Linda's Letters
Family Support Coordinator
Linda's Letters
Family Support Coordinator
Hi everyone, how are you?
It’s hard to believe how quickly this year is going, before we know it the end of term 4 will be here. My Mum was right, it does get faster each year!
Special Children’s Christmas Party Invitations— Have now been sent home to those families who requested a ticket. If your plans change and you are not able to attend the party, please return the ticket and wristband to me so I can give it to another family.
School Holiday Programs and Camps — Please see the attached flyers from the organisations All for Smiles and KaPability Summer and Holiday activities.
Interchange Outer East—Please see their Family Support Newsletter I have attached.
Take care, Linda.
Please Note: The articles and organisations included in this newsletter are not endorsed or recommended by Croydon SDS or Linda Garland, they are provided for your information.