Linda's Letters 

Family Support Coordinator

Hi everyone, how are you? 

It’s hard to believe how quickly this year is going, before we know it the end of term 4 will be here. My Mum was right, it does get faster each year!

Special Children’s Christmas Party Invitations— Have now been sent home to those families who requested a ticket. If your plans change and you are not able to attend the party, please return the ticket and wristband to me so I can give it to another family.

School Holiday Programs and Camps — Please see the attached flyers from the organisations All for Smiles and KaPability Summer and Holiday activities.

Interchange Outer East—Please see their Family Support Newsletter I have attached.

Take care, Linda.  


Please Note: The articles and organisations included in this newsletter are not endorsed or recommended by Croydon SDS or Linda Garland, they are provided for your information.