Inclusion & Engagement 

The importance of Sleep and Physical Exercise for children

Establishing good sleep patterns and routines and also providing physical activity opportunities can have social, emotional, intellectual and health benefits on children.  This can include:

  • reduced antisocial behaviour
  • stronger cooperation and teamwork skills
  • better self-esteem and confidence
  • lower anxiety and stress
  • better concentration
  • healthy growth and development
  • strong muscles and bones
  • improved fitness, including coordination and movement skills
  • lower risk of unhealthy weight gain.

All children should get the right mix of physical activity, inactivity and sleep in each 24-hour period.  Children should aim for 60 minutes (at least) of daily activity. Physical activity can include moderate to physical activity, such as football, basketball, bike riding, at least three days per week.  Muscle-strengthening activities are also important, such as running, swinging on monkey bars and yoga.  Light physical activity can include walking the dog, going to the park with friends and helping around the house. 

Limiting the time spent sitting or lying down (especially in front of screens) can help children develop good habits for life. Long periods of sitting can lesson the benefits of being physically active, so it’s important to break them up as much as possible. 

Getting enough good-quality sleep is essential to healthy growth.  Children aged 5 to 13 years should get 9 to 11 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  To establish and maintain        healthy sleep patterns aim for the following:

  • having a consistent bedtime and wake-up time
  • avoiding screen time 1 hour before sleep
  • keeping screens out of the bedroom.

This information was gathered from the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care website.