From the Classroom - M2 (Rebecca)

This week in M2 we have been learning a new maths game called "Get out of my house!". Students can choose either addition or subtraction to solve number problems and secure a number on the board. A fun and easy game to play at home! 


You will need: 

A deck of cards and 7 counters or game pieces for each player. 

1. Using a deck of cards (ace to 10 only) put them in a pile face down. 

2. First player turns over 2 cards. You can either add these 2 cards together or you can subtract the small number from the big number. E.g. if you turn over a 5 and a 1 you could go 5+1=6 or 5-1=4 so you could cover a 6 or a 4. 

3. If you turn over 2 cards and someone has their game piece on that number already and you want that number you can say “Get out of my house” and replace their game piece with yours. 

4. The winner is whoever uses all 7 of their tokens first.


M2 have also been learning how to solve worded division problems using a range of strategies. They have proudly demonstrated successful problem solving on the mini whiteboards and again in their work books. Strategies include: sharing concrete materials equally, drawing the problem, making arrays, and flipping the fact to multiplication.